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Thread: Cut campuses, not programs

  1. Louisiana Campus Cut campuses, not programs

     Well, here we are again. Which programs do we cut now?

    Wait, I have a better idea: Which public university or college should we cut?

    With a dwindling population and low performing secondary schools it makes no sense to continue using tax dollars to support this many four-year universities. Think about it, just who are we trying to serve? Out-of-state students?

    Let's be realistic for a moment: Do we need a LSU-Eunice when UL is only 30 minutes away?

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    LATech-Barksdale? Too may univeristies in the state, hell too many just in Shreveport. My God, Shreveport is a microcosm of what is wrong with higher ed in this state.

  3. #3

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    You could have left out 'with higher ed' in that last sentence. lol

  4. Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    For a politician, it would be political suicide to start shutting down schools. This is why we will likely never see tough decisions being made about higher education in this state.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    This chance of this happening is about the same as winning the lottery given the underlying political landscape. The situation in Shreveport is good case study. Just think what the reaction would be if you proposed to merge Southern's programs up there with Bossier Parish Community College (the most appropriate match)? How would the people who back LaTech react if you proposed to combine LaTech's programs at Barksdale into LSU-S? Think about New Orleans post-Katrina... the perfect opportunity to rationalize programs between UNO and SUNO. Nothing happened there. Why? Because of the political pull of these institution's supporters is such that this type of change will never happen. That's a political trend that I don't see changing here in Louisiana anytime in the near future.

    Administration of higher education is a mess in this state: three different university systems (ULS, LSU, and SU) all vying for money (not to mention the community college system), an oversight board that I wonder at times must think that anything with a Tiger on it is wonderful, and many distinct political regions all with very different needs and agendas which results in a legislature that can't or won't do anything to fix it. Somewhat depressing, no? You just do the best you can with the tools we get...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    I wish they would get rid of Monroe. That way there would only be one UL in the state and the "Lafayette" tag on our name would not be necessary.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunCanaille View Post
    _ I wish they would get rid of Monroe. That way there would only be one UL in the state and the "Lafayette" tag on our name would not be necessary. _

    Take away their Pharmacy School and give it to LSU to go with their Med School, and there isn't much left for ULM. Or better yet, let them keep the Pharmacy School and become a part of the LSU System, thereby becoming LSU-Monroe to go along with LSU-Shreveport. I like that even better. Then, we lay claim to the only UL school. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    "Do we need a LSU-Alexandria when we have Louisiana College in Pineville?"

    Man, the Baptists that own and operate La College will be ecstatic to read this.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Cut campuses, not programs

    Keep the community colleges. They are needed so universities can continue to have selective admissions. Shut down LSU-Alexandria, SUNO, and ULM. Shut down Southern Law School. Expand the reach of Northwestern to rural central LA with online and satellite offerings. Move ULM pharm to LSU Shreveport med school.

    There...all fixed.

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