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  1. #37

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    I often wonder why UL keeps making improvements to Earl K. Long Gym. It is old and away from the athletic complex. It is a prime location right in the middle of campus where a new academic building could/should be constructed. Why not build a gym/practice facility for both men and women and where the women can play when not playing in the Dome? Aren't we building a new basketball practice facility anyway as the current one will be the new weight room? Seems like we could accomodate both men and women with that facility and open up needed space on campus for academics.
    Completely agree. What's the point of spending valuable dollars on EKL gym?

  2. #38

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    One. I don't think we are spending a ton of money in EKL. Two, I don't think any students/fans would go to complex to see women's basketball or volleyball. Most go because it's right on campus.

  3. #39

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Wonder if putting some money in EKL has something to do with titleIX

  4. #40

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Wonder if putting some money in EKL has something to do with titleIX
    Possibly but what he proposed still involves the financial support for the program by building a new facility instead of pumping money into an old building.

  5. #41

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    One. I don't think we are spending a ton of money in EKL. Two, I don't think any students/fans would go to complex to see women's basketball or volleyball. Most go because it's right on campus.
    Attendance is low anyway. I would think the valuable land space in the middle of campus would override that concern. Plus, building a new facility to accomodate women basketball/volleyball and men's basketball practice facility would meet Title IX requirements, move this to the athletic complex where it belongs, provide a single facililty to meet all basketball needs, and free up valuable on campus property for academic construction.

  6. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Possibly but what he proposed still involves the financial support for the program by building a new facility instead of pumping money into an old building.
    I'm not sure how title IX works but was just thinking time frames. Maybe you have to spend a certain % every few years. It was just a guess. Putting a small amount of money into EKL would buy us time until everything else is done. I'm all for the guys proposal, just would hope they aren't wasting money for nothing.

  7. #43

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    I'm not sure how title IX works but was just thinking time frames. Maybe you have to spend a certain % every few years. It was just a guess. Putting a small amount of money into EKL would buy us time until everything else is done. I'm all for the guys proposal, just would hope they aren't wasting money for nothing.
    it may have to do with it being a historical building as well.

  8. #44

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    it may have to do with it being a historical building as well.
    that was my first thought.

  9. #45

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    it may have to do with it being a historical building as well.
    True. They may not want to or may not be able to tear the building down and figure they might as well get use out of it. Since other renovations are taking place to other facilities then the University may no choice but to put money into the building as opposed to completely rebuilding.

  10. #46

    Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post

    -First off---Phase 2 is paid for by bonds and student fees toward it---that is the new APC, the EZ being done and the Track/soccer expansion

    Phase 3 will be huge and cost over a 100 million and this is what they are now pushing for with a very systematic fund raising approach---There has been some start up money already promised for Phase 3 which will be the stadium building with administrative offices, eating facilities, Cajun gear store, and other amenities that have been mentioned on here before---the stadium will look like a 5 story building from the oak according to models

    -I am almost positive that this is the plan and some things could obviously change

    But the goal has been set and the method for getting there is in place!!! We missed the last time things were very good in Lafayette and we can't afford to miss it this time!!! This was a very good point and we are certainly of a different mind set!!!

    I think Boomer is confusing his numbers. What he describes as Phase 2 is really Phase 1 and what he describes as Phase 3 is really Phase 2. I know the basketball practice facility is part of Phase 3. For those who ask why we need that when we already have one, I offer the following. For one, the plan is to make the new one adjacent to the Dome. That would allow use of the Dome locker rooms. Right now, there are no locker facilities at the basketball practice facility in the IPF. Also, there are some parts of the floor which need to be replaced. Still, that is a few years down the road as Phase 1 and Phase 2 have higher priority projects at this stage.

  11. #47

  12. Default Re: NEW VIDEO BOARD

    Boomer needs to watch the master plan video still on the website. They use term tier not phase. Go to minute 25 to hear the sequence and what they are.

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