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Thread: Microsoft follows Google and begins accepting ‘right to be forgotten’ requests for Bing

  1. Default Microsoft follows Google and begins accepting ‘right to be forgotten’ requests for Bing

    Following Google’s_rocky adoption, Microsoft is now accepting requests from European citizens to hide certain pages in Bing search results. The option has been introduced following the ‘right to be forgotten‘ ruling made by the European Union Court of Justice back in May. Bing won’t accept any old request blindly, however. The form posted online requires a whole host of personal information, including your name, country of residence – documentation proving these to be true – and an email address. To evaluate your request against the right to privacy and the public’s right to free expression, Bing is also asking whether...

    This story continues at The Next Web

  2. Default Microsoft also wants to forget you! Bing’s ‘right to be forgotten’ form goes live in Europe

    Bing is likely the next search engine in line to start forgetting search results of Europeans’ that are ‘inadequate, irrelevant, no longer relevant, or excessive,’ on request.
    The post Microsoft also wants to forget you! Bing’s ‘right to be forgotten’ form goes live in Europe appeared first on Techie News.


  3. Default Microsoft Is Now Taking Right-to-Be-Forgotten Requests For Bing In The Europe

    European Union court ruled last_month that search engines like Google should be able to remove personal links of users on request. Google has already started implementing this Right To Be Forgotten request form last month, and as per Search Engine Land, it has been taking in about 10,000 requests per day. This law applies for Bing too. Microsoft Bing last month revealed that they are working on a special process for residents of the European Union to request blocks of specific privacy-related search results on Bing in response to searches on their names. Today, Microsoft has made it available to the general public. Here is the information Microsoft posted on their page, If you are a European resident and want to request that Microsoft block search results on Bing in response to searches on your name, please use this form. We encourage you to provide complete and relevant information for each applicable question on this form. We will use the information that you provide to evaluate your request. We may...

    The rest of the story...
    Microsoft News

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