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Thread: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

  1. Research UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"


  2. Bachelor's in geology

  3. Bachelor's in philosophy

  4. Bachelor's in athletic training

  5. Bachelor's in dental hygiene

  6. Bachelor's in professional land and resource management

  7. Master's in French

  8. Master's in physics

  9. Doctorate in cognitive science

    The rest of the story

  10. Homes SO Clean

  11. #2

    Default Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    Why doesn't LSpuke act as the big brother they have been set up to be and take the hit for the rest of the Universities? Come on Refineryville, show somoe love for the little people and use some of that athletic fund war chest for the betterment of the state.

  12. #3

    Default Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    LSU A&M BR has 28 programs on the "low completer" list. It will be interesting to see what happens.

  13. #4

    Default Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    I am surprised by Geology being on the list. I recruited there this year and came away with a favorable impression. The Department head said they had more students now that at any time in the last 20 years.

  14. #5

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    Quote Originally Posted by cypremort View Post
    _ LSU A&M BR has 28 programs on the "low completer" list. It will be interesting to see what happens. _

    What will happen is that they will kill the competition and give the students to the flagcrap to bring them closer to being a high completer, and claim it is good for the state. Heck they may even give the out of area students special funds for their increase in living expenses. All is good at the flagcrapper.

  15. #6

    Default Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    Excuse my ignorance, but does "low-completer" mean that there aren't enough students in a particular curriculum, or there aren't enough students graduating in that curriculum?

  16. #7

    Default Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    Damn my GF is in Dental Hygiene. she is a senior, and she has not had many positive things to say. They told her to apply at ULM because there standards were lower. She has a 3.4 cummulative, and she volunteers once a week at a dentist office. Actually can some one help me, she is tired of driving to Crowley to volunteer, anyone have any Dental connects!

  17. #8
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL programs cited by the Board of Regents as "low-completer"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    _ I am surprised by Geology being on the list. I recruited there this year and came away with a favorable impression. The Department head said they had more students now that at any time in the last 20 years. _
    It's not going anywhere soon. I saw a list similar to this a few years back and showed it to one of the prof's. He said that it happened every so often and he would type up a letter or something to show what the program was doing and that it wasn't a big deal. Since then, both undergraduate and graduate enrollment in the Geo Dept has risen drastically, and thus, so has graduations.

  18. Default Trying to shut down academic program at UL

    I just got this email from a professor at of Philosophy at UL who is asking every one to write to sally clausen for help:

    Hello everybody. As you may have heard, the Board of Regents is
    considering terminating the Philosophy Program at UL Lafayette. A
    portion of their rationale is that "Philosophy as an essential
    undergraduate program has lost some credence among students." We disagree.
    Please support us by e-mailing the head of the Board of Regents, at


    , explaining why you believe that Philosophy, in particular the BA in
    Philosophy, is important to you and UL Lafayette. PLease do so by 4:00
    Tuesday (tomorrow) as they will meet Wednesday to decide our fate.
    Thank you for your support.


    Keith Korcz

  19. #10

    Default Re: Trying to shut down academic program at UL

    What is the graduation rate is for students with a BA in Philosophy? I wonder what the trend has been over the last 10 years.It's too bad that people may lose their jobs, but can see why this program may go.As we all know, economics are tough at the moment.

  20. #11

    Default Re: Trying to shut down academic program at UL

    I'm pretty sure I saw this like 4 or 5 years ago when I was in school. I thought it was some random rumor, but who knows.

  21. Default Re: Trying to shut down academic program at UL

    As a scientist, I am probably about as far away from a philosopher as you can be; however, I believe that philosophy plays a vital role in the university environment. The thought processes and logical thinking skills developed in a philosophy class really add to the overall value of your education. I think it would be a terrible mistake to lose such a program, and a real testament to the lack of commitment to education this state suffers from. Philosophy seems like one of those cornerstone programs for a university: the difference between a technical or community college, and a university. The fact that some programs may be cut isn't even the main problem, its the fact that they are making their budget cuts in education that is the real problem. Education propagates success propagates wealth.

  22. Default Philosophy program may be in jeopardy

     The fate of UL's undergraduate philosophy program will be determined today at a Louisiana Board of Regents Academic and Student Affairs Committee.

    The Board of Regents is recommending that UL eliminate its bachelor of arts in philosophy degree. The program is one of eight "low-completer" programs at UL, but the only one recommended for discontinuation.

    That recommendation has fueled opposition at UL, with students writing letters to the Board of Regents and creating a group "Save the UL Philosophy Program."

    The rest of the story

    Tina Marie Macias • • April 22, 2009

    Homes SO Clean

  23. #14

    Default Re: Trying to shut down academic program at UL

    I found this interesting.
    "The Board of Regents reviews all higher education programs every five years to identify low completers. An undergraduate program is considered a low completer if it has an average of eight or fewer graduates a year or less than 40 graduates within five years.

    The philosophy program had an average of 3.7 completers in the last five years. The program had seven completers in 2006-07, but no completers in 2007-08."

    I remember the Microbiology program having similar numbers. I don't believe that the reasons listed above are the only reasons. As usual, money, the research money brought in through research grants must have some impact.

    UL "Low-completer" programs

    B.S. in Athletic Training.needed for athletes?
    M.A. in French.probably will never be removed
    Ph.D. in Cognitive Science.tied to the New Iberia Research Center
    B.S. in Geology.oil connection?
    M.S. in idea.
    B.S. in Dental by the number of chairs available for students.
    B.S.B.A. in Professional Land Management.oil connection?
    B.A. in idea.

    Anyway, I'm just brain storming with no connection what so ever to this situation.

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