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Thread: Athlete (2003 . . . ) Orien Greene

  1. #13


    Originally posted by Turbine


    I like it.
    The Original Gangsta...

  2. #14


    I thought he was inelligible for the entire season?

  3. #15


    He took a winter intersession course and it might allow him to play!!

  4. #16


    From what I hear, OG can do it all, and do it all well. This guy should blow Mitchell out of the water!!!!

    And he has my respect too. He made a mistake, he let us and hit teammates down, and now he's making up for it. Good for him.

  5. Default

    who the heck is OG......he hasn't played a minute and why should he blow Mitchell out of the water? what kind of talk is that! will they play on the same team..I don't understand, if he's a good player they to me can only complement each other. that sounds bad.

  6. #18


    Oldman, have been reading this thread? OG is Orien Green. It looks like he may be eligible to play this semester. I agree with you that maybe we shouldn't say one of our players will "blow him out of the water" in reference to another teammate. But apprently OG is a very talented player. He was Mr. Basketball in Florida and played his freshman year with the Florida Gators.

  7. #19


    calm down guys orien green is our friend!!!

  8. #20

    Ragin' Cajuns

    Greene WILL be eligible to play at the beginning of Spring Semester. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

  9. Default

    Greene case still on hold

    LOUISIANA La. — Transfer guard Orien Greene did not accompany UL Lafayette to Colorado for today’s Sun Belt Conference opener at Denver, which means the earliest he could join the Ragin’ Cajuns would be next Thursday’s SBC home opener against South Alabama.

    Greene has remained a part of the squad while taking a correspondence course to regain academic eligibility after earning a 1.8 grade point average in the fall semester.

    If work in that course is successfully completed, Greene could take the court for the Cajuns.

    “I’m not aware of any news on that front,” UL Athletic Director Nelson Schexnayder said. “As I understand it, he has until the beginning of class on Monday (the start of the spring semester) to get the paperwork done.

    “It might be Saturday, if he can get it in to their people. As soon as we can verify that he completed the course requirements, we can begin to do what needs to be done on our part.”

    Greene is enrolled for the spring semester, aiming to join the Cajuns, and is expected to be in class next week while he awaits word on the correspondence course.

    “I’ll tell you what,” Evans said. “If it does happen, we go from a BMW to a Maserati.”

    The source of the story

    Bruce Brown

  10. #22


    any word on orien green for the game???

  11. Default

    Not that I have heard, can't wait, sure hope so.

  12. Default

    I can't imagine the pressure he's under to get this course done. There are already such high expectations.

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