We all know that Microsoft is planning for a major Windows update in 2015 codenamed ‘Threshold’. Last week, Windows 9/Windows Threshold build 6.4.9788 was spotted in the Windows Store logs. This revealed us that Microsoft has already started testing Windows 9 in some form to run Window Store apps. Today, a screenshot of the build 9788 was leaked online which hints us that this Windows Build is already in the hands of the general public. Soon, we will know concrete info about whether this is a Windows 9 or Windows 8.1 Update 2 build. We reported about a rumor last month in which there is a possibility that Microsoft might offer a special edition Windows targeted towards enterprise that will allow users to disable Start screen completely._Also, depending upon the device in which Windows is installed, the Start screen/Start menu option will vary. For example, desktop users can completely avoid Start screen with the help of the upcoming Start Menu which will include Live Tiles and windowing of Modern UI...

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Microsoft News