Microsoft is now helping developers in making decisions to succeed in Windows Store app development. To compete with tens of thousands of apps in the Windows Store, developers can make use of the real data to make good decisions to help their app succeed._When developers decide to develop for a platform, the first question that arises is which app should they build. Developers can use a service such as AppFeds to get some overall data and get some insights._Games is by far the most popular category followed by apps in in the Entertainment, Education, Books and Reference, and Music and Videos categories of equal numbers. AppFeds provided the following thoughts on current Windows Store apps, If you’re looking for areas with fewer competitors—where it might be easier to find opportunities—you might focus on the smallest categories such as Finance, Security, Photos, Government, and Health and Fitness. If you’re planning to build a puzzle or arcade game, you’ll be joining a plethora of similar games. Therefore you really need to think...

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