The final Halo 3 Easter Egg has been found seven years after the game was released. Back in 2012, Bungie confirmed the existence of this Easter Egg and_revealed that it will work only on specific_day. _“There is one Easter egg in Halo 3 that I don’t think anyone has found – I stumbled across it in code a while back. It only happens on a specific day … so good luck.” Today, revealed how to experience this Easter Egg. When you press down on both thumbsticks during the loading screen on December 25, you’ll be shown a wider view of the Halo ring with the words “Happy Birthday Lauren!” on the ring’s surface. This_Easter Egg was done by programmer Adrian Perez dedicated to his wife as a birthday gift. Adrian Perez claimed his proudest moment at Bungie was “showing my wife the Easter egg I put in the halo 3 loading screen for her – the one that nobody has found yet.” Source: Teambeyond.net_via: IGN
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