I understand what you are saying. The BIGGEST problem (IMO) that we still face TODAY, is that our budget does not meet cusa's minimum entry level of $20M. I think everybody can talk to they are blue in the face that our administration is not doing everything they can to get us into a "better" conference and they are right. When you have MINIMAL resources like we still do, you fight the battles you have a chance to win; you have to be as efficient as you can to maximize your resources.
I believe we are pretty much all in agreement we would like to be in a "better" (I have this in quotes because we do have differing opinions on what conferences are better) conference, but UNTIL we get to $20M, which I feel will be this year, we are going to be relegated to the back poker room.
Laturd lied to get in to cusa; we should be better than that.