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  1. #13

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Tech has only sold 10k of the 12k allotment because the seats sold through the I bowl are much better seats. Most Tech fans are not buying through Tech. Despite your wishful thinking, the I bowl will be one of the best attended bowls of the second and third tier bowls. Most bowls are only reaching 25k at best. the ibowl should easily be in the 30's. Shreveport people really support that bowl.

  2. #14

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by beaux66 View Post
    _ Tech has only sold 10k of the 12k allotment because the seats sold through the I bowl are much better seats. Most Tech fans are not buying through Tech. Despite your wishful thinking, the I bowl will be one of the best attended bowls of the second and third tier bowls. Most bowls are only reaching 25k at best. the ibowl should easily be in the 30's. Shreveport people really support that bowl. _
    Too bad for the I-Bowl that NIU fans won't be supporting the bowl.

    But I'll still be supporting the Huskies!


  3. #15

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by beaux66 View Post
    _ Tech has only sold 10k of the 12k allotment because the seats sold through the I bowl are much better seats. Most Tech fans are not buying through Tech. Despite your wishful thinking, the I bowl will be one of the best attended bowls of the second and third tier bowls. Most bowls are only reaching 25k at best. the ibowl should easily be in the 30's. Shreveport people really support that bowl. _
    Well then, considering UL fans would have bought more than the NIU folks the I-Bowl missed an opportunity to be THE best attended of the second and third tier bowls with around 40K.

    Slow down on that spinning, nechster, your going to get a headache.

  4. #16

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    _ i have now read your "curt reply" .... some 20 times and it still makes NO sense to me.. and i apologize..

    go figure.. you trying to type "ryckman" (grins)
    Ahhh...well had your original post only contained the points repeated above maybe we would have deduced your main point. Instead it kind of got lost in all your Tech cheerleading.

  5. #17

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by beaux66 View Post
    _ Tech has only sold 10k of the 12k allotment because the seats sold through the I bowl are much better seats. Most Tech fans are not buying through Tech. Despite your wishful thinking, the I bowl will be one of the best attended bowls of the second and third tier bowls. Most bowls are only reaching 25k at best. the ibowl should easily be in the 30's. Shreveport people really support that bowl. _
    Wow then you guys must be expecting a whopping increase in ticket sales to get into the 30's. Because I guarantee you that NIU won't bring 2000 fans to that game. Meaning that you would have to pack 28 thousand into the stadium to meet that mark you've set (leaving you guys nearly 18000 more tix to sell yet. It's a week away and you haven't even sold half of your goal. Hahahahahahahahah. Explain something to me if the I-bowl is predicted to be the worst rated bowl game of the entire bowl season...and ESPN calls it the lamest game of the bowl season......essentially meaning that no one in America gives a crap about this game....let alone is going to watch it on Tv. Having said that...How do you justify saying that even though no one will sit in their own comfy warm lazyboy to watch the game, you'll still have 30,000 people in paid attendance to come and freeze their butts off, in a run down stadium, to watch two crappy teams play in the crappiest of the crappy bowls this year? I've been saying for years that shreveport always had a funky odor when you passed sewage... now i know what's its coming from - a big steaming, stinking pile of doo-doo they are cooking up called the 2008 Independence Bowl.

  6. #18

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal View Post
    How do you justify saying that even though no one will sit in their own comfy warm lazyboy to watch the game, you'll still have 30,000 people in paid attendance to come and freeze their butts off, in a run down stadium, to watch two crappy teams play in the crappiest of the crappy bowls this year? I've been saying for years that shreveport always had a funky odor when you passed sewage... now i know what's its coming from - a big steaming, stinking pile of doo-doo they are cooking up called the 2008 Independence Bowl. _
    Hey Turbine, when do nominations for post of the year start? And is the big announcement that it has begun being planned to coincide with the announcement of the RCAF?

  7. #19

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal View Post
    _ Wow then you guys must be expecting a whopping increase in ticket sales to get into the 30's. Because I guarantee you that NIU won't bring 2000 fans to that game. Meaning that you would have to pack 28 thousand into the stadium to meet that mark you've set (leaving you guys nearly 18000 more tix to sell yet. It's a week away and you haven't even sold half of your goal. Hahahahahahahahah. Explain something to me if the I-bowl is predicted to be the worst rated bowl game of the entire bowl season...and ESPN calls it the lamest game of the bowl season......essentially meaning that no one in America gives a crap about this game....let alone is going to watch it on Tv. Having said that...How do you justify saying that even though no one will sit in their own comfy warm lazyboy to watch the game, you'll still have 30,000 people in paid attendance to come and freeze their butts off, in a run down stadium, to watch two crappy teams play in the crappiest of the crappy bowls this year? I've been saying for years that shreveport always had a funky odor when you passed sewage... now i know what's its coming from - a big steaming, stinking pile of doo-doo they are cooking up called the 2008 Independence Bowl. _
    What's the name of the bowl game played in Lafayette?

  8. #20

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShowDog View Post
    _ What's the name of the bowl game played in Lafayette? _
    Toilet Bowl

  9. #21

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaTechDawg View Post
    _ Toilet Bowl _
    The Toilet Bowl won't need any blue tarps trucked in to cover all the empy seats in Shreveport!LOL!!!

  10. #22

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaTechDawg View Post
    _ Toilet Bowl _
    No bowl here in Lafayette Bro. Didn't even know anyone had suggested any such fantasy. But while on the subject of fantasy, I see that the WAC RPI water-bearer (Boise State) can no longer make claim to the rightful NC crown. Ouch.

    Great game, though. Better luck next year.

    Keep selling those I-Bowl tickets. But even if they don't sell as well as expected, bake sales and car washes have proven to provide much needed revenue, especially if promoted by cheer leaders (of the female variety).

  11. #23

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LFTCajun View Post
    _ No bowl here in Lafayette Bro. Didn't even know anyone had suggested any such fantasy. But on the subject of fantasy, I see that the WAC RPI water-bearer (Boise State) can no longer make claim to the rightful NC crown. Ouch.

    Great game, though. Better luck next year.

    Keep selling those I-Bowl tickets. But even if they don't sell as well as expected, bake sales and car washes have proven to provide much needed revenue, especially if promoted by cheer leaders (of the female variety). _
    A lot of Tech fans hanging out here as of late. You guys need to look into a self applying Boudreaux's Butt paste. It was of you own making... Clean it up!

  12. #24

    Default Re: BREAKING I-BOWL NEWS !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShowDog View Post
    _ What's the name of the bowl game played in Lafayette? _
    I think it goes by the same name as the one played in Rust-on.

    Don't try to kid yourself that S'port is a Tech town, bubba. Its purple and ____ through and through.

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