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Thread: University of Louisiana Patents Medical Nanoparticle Technology

  1. This is a GREAT IDEA University of Louisiana Patents Medical Nanoparticle Technology

    Lafayette LA - Patented research at the University of Louisiana may help doctors deliver medicine – like those that fight cancer – directly to a tumor using magnetic fields.

    Dr. Devesh Misra, Director of the Center for Structural and Functional Materials and Stuller Endowed Chair and Professor of Chemical Engineering, developed the research, which was recently patented.

    “Using nanotechnology, we can get the drugs right inside the cells,” said Misra. “With this method, we can deliver high concentration of medicines to the appropriate area without the medicine having to travel all over the body.”

    Nanotechnology refers to a technological field, which deals with matter on an atomic and molecular scale.

    Misra’s research uses magnetic nanocrystals (much like salt crystals) coated with a polymer or binding agent that helps the medicine attach to the tumor. The nanocrystals are non-toxic and biodegradable, so they are no harm to the body.

    They travel directly to the tumor once a magnetic field is established outside of the body and around the tumor.

    “The medicine wouldn’t have to go all over the body and possibly kill healthy cells,” said Misra.

    When the magnetic field is released, the nanocrystals would be flushed from the body naturally.

    “The payoff for the doctors and patients include lower drug toxicity, effective treatment and reduced costs,” said Misra.

    A second facet of his patented research includes wound protection using magnetic properties.

    “Magnetic nanoparticles can be encapsulated with a sprayable catalyst like titania that can not only keep wounds clean of bacteria, but also be easily removed with a magnet after treatment,” he explained.

    Misra’s patent is one of 10 patents established or pending at the University of Louisiana. “This is an extremely important component for the university and is part of a cycle that we envision,” said Dr. Ramesh Kolluru, assistant vice president for Research and Graduate Studies.

    “We have professors doing valuable research that is then patented and commercialized, generating revenues for the university and its researchers. This research is an investment in our future – as a university and as a society.”

    UL Press Release

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Patents Medical Nanoparticle Technology

    I know this is primaily a sports forum but this press release excites me. Doc Fun any thoughts?

  3. #3

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: University of Louisiana Patents Medical Nanoparticle Technology

    looks to me like another feather in our academic hat. geaux ul!!

  4. Default Re: University of Louisiana Patents Medical Nanoparticle Technology

    UT (Texas) makes a ton of cash off their patents.

    Does anyone know who owns this patent?

    Is it like 3M? They own any invention or patent their scientists come up with

  5. #5

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Patents Medical Nanoparticle Technology

    Congrats to Dr. Misra and his grad students on the patent. Dr. Misra is probably the smartest professor that I had in my 4 years towards a ChemE degree. Not only that, but he was able to teach as well. He never spoke over anyone's head and was very good at explaining ideas.

    Hopefully, his work will go towards bettering the university, not only through money generated by his patents, but with recognition on a national level.

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