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Thread: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

  1. Support Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

      UL will likely have to slash $6.83 million from its budget as the state cuts back on higher education funding to overcome a $341 million shortfall, according to preliminary numbers from the UL System.

    As part of the cuts the UL President Joseph Savoie is considering eliminating Friday classes to shut down the university and save on utility costs. Staff would have to work longer hours Monday through Thursday to keep 40-hour work weeks.

    The rest of the story

    Tina Marie Macias • • December 18, 2008

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    As a student, I am all for this. Many people have been wanting this for a while. We come in on Fridays until 12:30. Why not come in early and stay late M-Th to have a true 3-day weekend? I say this is a great idea.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Every day we see how much corruption (past and present) has hindered this state from getting anywhere. The saudi's are building billion $ mansions and our students will only drive down the pothole filled roads 4 days a week because we can't afford to have a 5 day school week.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    I don't see this being a problem, a lot businesses are shutting down for a week or four and cutting back. It's temporary to save on utilities. Now if this is a main stay then I would start to see the negative in this move. I think a lot of people are in the "doom and Gloom" state of mind right now with the car companies tanking and the stock market down. It's like everyone keeps checking the sky to see if it's still there.

  5. Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Perhaps they could save time space and money if they used UL on Friday for that comprehensive technical high school they are talking about building. then they could pay for 20% of all costs.

    After being instructed hands on Mon-Thur. the students head to UL on Friday and instead of just learning basic math, students interested in construction would (for example) learn construction math.

    just a thought.

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    I see deferring maintainance as a bigger problem than shutting down on Fridays. The school is already way behind.

    At any rate, with the price of oil likely to skyrocket back up, hopefully this will only be temporary for Louisiana (of course, that will hit individuals harder but there's a silver lining to every dark cloud).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    _ Every day we see how much corruption (past and present) has hindered this state from getting anywhere. The saudi's are building billion $ mansions and our students will only drive down the pothole filled roads 4 days a week because we can't afford to have a 5 day school week. _

    Why not have classes on Monday & Wednesday like they do on Tuesday & Thursday with no classes on Friday? Could be a win - win for students, university and faculty.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ Why not have classes on Monday & Wednesday like they do on Tuesday & Thursday with no classes on Friday? Could be a win - win for students, university and faculty. _
    I'm not arguing for or against having a 4 day school week. The point I was making is that too much oil money ended up in congressman pockets rather than being used to better the state.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Let's remember these types of financial decisions when people start complaining as to why we haven't fired Bustle after a 6-6 year. If we are having to possibly cut 6 million in budget and close school on Fridays, do you really think we can afford to buy him out and then pay the big bucks to a big name guy??

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Let's remember these types of financial decisions when people start complaining as to why we haven't fired Bustle after a 6-6 year. If we are having to possibly cut 6 million in budget and close school on Fridays, do you really think we can afford to buy him out and then pay the big bucks to a big name guy?? _
    Excellent point.

  11. Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Questions----why do we get the biggest cut???? Is it the largest budget of the UL system??? Can we jack up the tuition to equal Tech's?? What school will get hurt the most/least???? What programs can we lose???

  12. #12

    Default Re: Dark days: Savoie says university could shut down on Fridays to save money

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ Questions----why do we get the biggest cut???? Is it the largest budget of the UL system??? Can we jack up the tuition to equal Tech's?? What school will get hurt the most/least???? What programs can we lose??? _

    I have no clue but the only thing that I can think of is because we are the largest of the state schools enrollment wise which may mean bigger cuts. Then again, I am not sure.

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