Microsoft previously announced that with June’s system update will debut Games with Gold on Xbox One, with two great games – “Max: The Curse of Brotherhood” and “Halo: Spartan Assault.” And on Xbox 360, members will receive “Dark Souls,” “Charlie Murder” and the bonus game “Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.” Recently, they revealed the upcoming games for the month of July. Coming up in July, Xbox Live Gold members can look forward to three new free games on Xbox One and Xbox 360._Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition will debut on Xbox One as a free download, replacing June’s Xbox One Games with Gold title Halo: Spartan Assault_(so be sure to grab it now if you haven’t already)._Max: The Curse of Brotherhood_will remain available for Xbox Live Gold members to download for Xbox One. On Xbox 360, starting Tuesday, July 1st, Gotham City Imposters_(normally US $14.99) will be free for Xbox Live Gold members through July 15th. Then on July 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can download_BattleBlock Theater_(normally US $14.99)_for...

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