Bungie’s next-generation, first-person shooter “Destiny” beta_will be made available_to Xbox One and Xbox 360_users late_next month._The actual game will be released on September 9 for both the platforms. With its seamless blend of single-player, cooperative, and multiplayer action, Bungie’sDestiny is one of the most intriguing Xbox One games of 2014. When we had a chance to check out the game at E3 a few weeks ago, we had an absolute blast with the head-to-head multiplayer mode – known as Crucible in Destiny’s parlance – and couldn’t wait to play more. This made today’s big news that much sweeter, as the folks at Bungie have announced that the Destiny beta will be landing on Xbox One and Xbox 360 in late-July for fans that pre-order the game. Pre-order Destiny for Xbox from Amazon here.

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