Microsoft announced partnership with_Barnes and Noble back in 2012 and even created a new joint venture company called Nook Media LLC. Since then, the only thing that came of out partnership was Barnes & Noble’s Windows 8 app. Recently it was rumored that B&N has stopped developing apps for Windows platform since Microsoft is developing its own Xbox branded reader with content powered by Barnes & Noble in the backend. Earlier this month, we reported that in an interview to GeekWire, Barnes & Noble CEO Mike_Huseby said that they are in_a very, very good relationship with Microsoft despite the recent partnership with Samsung. B&N is in contact with Microsoft on an ongoing basis about things that they doing together. Mike also reminded us that Microsoft is a partial owner, about 17 percent, of the Nook Media entity. Today, B&N announced that their board has approved to_separate the Barnes & Noble Retail and NOOK Media businesses. _We believe we are now in a better position to begin in earnest those steps...

The rest of the story...
Microsoft News