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Thread: Pirogue's Game Room

  1. #1

    Default Pirogue's Game Room

    Check it out...

  2. Default

    What is the story behind the 1943 UL style helmet hanging over Ross's jersey?

  3. #3


    It's a Mich Helmet [mini]
    don't know where it came from

  4. Default

    Originally posted by pirogue
    It's a Mich Helmet [mini]
    don't know where it came from
    Ironic that UL used that style (not color) in 1943.

    An undefeated season

  5. #5


    Wasnt that style pretty commonly used back then?

  6. Default

    Originally posted by CajunRebel
    Wasnt that style pretty commonly used back then?
    If it was a manufacturers style probably so. Only Michigan built a real identity around it.

  7. #7


    Nice room. Enough todrive a woman crazy. My wife would kill me.

  8. #8


    Originally posted by Turbine
    If it was a manufacturers style probably so. Only Michigan built a real identity around it.
    Actually, shortly after the introduction of the forward pass in college football, Princeton's coach had the design put on their helmets so that the quarterback could more easily spot "his" receivers.

    His success at princeton got him the job at Michigan, and he implemented the same design there using their colors.

    I only know this because I remember reading somewhere that Princeton was putting that design on their helmets again, and the story was in response to "copying" Michigan.

    Talk about useless trivia, but Turbine for a while, many schools that passed the ball a lot used the design... evidently the Cajuns did in the 40's.

  9. Default

    Originally posted by pirogue
    Talk about useless trivia, but Turbine for a while, many schools that passed the ball a lot used the design... evidently the Cajuns did in the 40's.

    Not useless, just used less. Very, very interesting.

    The design was on UL helmets for other years but they didn't paint it, and because of this it barely shows up in the full size pictures much less the avatar size used in the project.

    Thank you for your insight, contributions (pictures) and expertise.

    ps You may be right about the Cajuns passing in 1943. At least one writer refered to Alvin Dark as the "Bulldog Bomber" during the undefeated season of 43.

  10. #10


    You could charge admission. I have a question. What is that poster of Mitchell and Stokley together?

  11. #11


    Originally posted by Chuck
    You could charge admission. I have a question. What is that poster of Mitchell and Stokley together?
    That was on the inside cover of last years [or the year before's] media guide....

  12. #12


    Originally posted by CDeb
    My wife would kill me.
    Therein lies the problem, Happy anniversary.

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