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Thread: World Cup

  1. Default Re: World Cup

    AUS and Dutch match was an instant classic. Hell of a performance by both squads.

    We were arguing world class goals yesterday..
    Doesn't get more classy then Tim Cahill's response of Robben's strike in the 20th min. Unbelievable and one of the best real time goals I've ever seen (I'd put it 2nd to Maxi Rodrigues' goal in 2010 WC, which was a similar volley-left footed-one timer).

  2. #158

    Default Re: World Cup

    I don't know who is having a more rough time...England, Spain, or Portugal. Cemented powers on the wrong end of the ugly stick. It''s..beautiful.

  3. #159

    Default Re: World Cup

    Chile up 2 to 0 over Spain at half......I love this World telling what will happen.....Spain looking like a Club team right now

  4. Default Re: World Cup

    A Mexican club team..

  5. #161

    Default Re: World Cup


  6. #162

    Default Re: World Cup

    That makes me wonder...has the defending World Cup champion ever not made it out of the group the following year?

  7. #163

    Default Re: World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    That makes me wonder...has the defending World Cup champion ever not made it out of the group the following year?
    I'm gonna answer my own question...cause I may be insane:

    1930 Uruguay was the champion of the Inaugural World Uruguay...and didn't make the second one...but it wasn't because they's because they were ____ed no one came to their World Cup. That is the only instance of a team winning a World Cup and not at least making the Group Stage.

    Now...for those that are coming off a championship and could not exit the group goes:

    1950 Italy (in their defense...WW2...and the previous World Cup was in 1938)
    1966 Brazil
    2002 France
    2010 Italy
    2014 Spain???

  8. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    I'm gonna answer my own question...cause I may be insane:

    1930 Uruguay was the champion of the Inaugural World Uruguay...and didn't make the second one...but it wasn't because they's because they were ____ed no one came to their World Cup. That is the only instance of a team winning a World Cup and not at least making the Group Stage.

    Now...for those that are coming off a championship and could not exit the group goes:

    1950 Italy (in their defense...WW2...and the previous World Cup was in 1938)
    1966 Brazil
    2002 France
    2010 Italy
    2014 Spain???
    Safe to remove the question marks now. Peace out, champs.

    Hard to believe that the United States might advance further than the champions... out of the group of death. Epic.

  9. #165

    Default Re: World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    Safe to remove the question marks now. Peace out, champs.

    Hard to believe that the United States might advance further than the champions... out of the group of death. Epic.
    If Spain does not capture at least a point in their final will officially be the biggest flop from the reigning champ in World Cup history.

  10. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    If Spain does not capture at least a point in their final will officially be the biggest flop from the reigning champ in World Cup history.
    It is already. No team has ever won the championship, then lost their first 2 matches in the next world cup. They could win 20-0 and still be the greatest flop ever... because the next game in the group is meaningless. Both sides are going straight home afterwards.

  11. #167

    Default Re: World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    It is already. No team has ever won the championship, then lost their first 2 matches in the next world cup. They could win 20-0 and still be the greatest flop ever... because the next game in the group is meaningless. Both sides are going straight home afterwards.
    Correct but if they won they would have more points at then end of the group stage than both 2002 France (1 point on a 0-0 tie) and 2010 Italy (2 points on two 1-1 ties). Also 2002 France did not score a goal in 2002. The reigning champ did not score a single goal. So if Spain ends up beating Australia...I could see how one could make the case it was a bit better than 2002 France. But if they god.

  12. #168
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Correct but if they won they would have more points at then end of the group stage than both 2002 France (1 point on a 0-0 tie) and 2010 Italy (2 points on two 1-1 ties). Also 2002 France did not score a goal in 2002. The reigning champ did not score a single goal. So if Spain ends up beating Australia...I could see how one could make the case it was a bit better than 2002 France. But if they god.
    Doesn't all of this basically invalidate soccer as a legitimate sport? I shouldn't be so critical... soccer did give the NFL a few good place kickers. I think a couple of others were good Checkers players too.

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