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Thread: Shining More Light

  1. Default Shining More Light

    Color Rendering: The CNET article illustrates what many of us have known for a long time, that is, the standard Color Rendering Index (CRI) does not give the full story when it comes to color rendering. Indeed, the article states that while the Cree lamp claimed a higher CRI, the perception was that the GE lamp had better performance. The main reason is that the number of “test colors” for CRI (based on only eight pastels) is simply too low and the metric can be “gamed”. When the CNET folks used a spectrometer to look at more test colors, a more accurate color rendering capability comparison was revealed, consistent with their perception (that the GE lamp outperformed the Cree lamp).

    An especially important test color to consider is “R9”, which corresponds to deep red colors which are important for human complexion, for example. Until a better, more widely accepted metric for color rendering is established, one should ask for and keep R9 in mind (>50 ok, >90 preferred) when comparing light sources for illumination.

  2. This is a GREAT IDEA Re: Shining More Light

    Mrs. Express is known as a color expert. I have been having a great deal of difficulty finding a lamp that provided a true color to the various unique colors in her home, I am simply an invited long term guest in that home. We loved the GE Reveals incandescence bulbs, did a great job.

    Going green has resulted in many, many failures but we have a nice, close version in the new LED low end price points from the Lowes collection. Have not tried the Cree from Home Depot, and the GE bulbs are about twenty-five percent mo money.

    When I look at the colors of my walls the color is all that matters, not global warming, not anything except a great experience. The new LED work OK, and are very expensive but I save money on cost of use, and life. They also burn a lot cooler and therefore in summer less expensive to air condition. In the winter I gotta turn on the gas heat, no help from the lights.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shining More Light

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Mrs. Express is known as a color expert. I have been having a great deal of difficulty finding a lamp that provided a true color to the various unique colors in her home, I am simply an invited long term guest in that home. We loved the GE Reveals incandescence bulbs, did a great job.

    Going green has resulted in many, many failures but we have a nice, close version in the new LED low end price points from the Lowes collection. Have not tried the Cree from Home Depot, and the GE bulbs are about twenty-five percent mo money.

    When I look at the colors of my walls the color is all that matters, not global warming, not anything except a great experience. The new LED work OK, and are very expensive but I save money on cost of use, and life. They also burn a lot cooler and therefore in summer less expensive to air condition. In the winter I gotta turn on the gas heat, no help from the lights.
    Do the LED light come to full brightness immediately or do you have to wait for them to warm up like the Obama-lights? I hate it in winter when it's cold, you flip the switch and you are still in darkness for a few more minutes.

  4. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Shining More Light

    I have two different ones Hammer. Most are instant on and fully lit, one I have with 270 degree arch of light takes about a tenth of a second to switch on but is fully lit when it comes on. The ones that take time are the CFL, compact florescent lights, and they have they create the most distorted colors for paint.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Shining More Light

    Funny that I ran across this article.

    Last Saturday I walked into Batteries Plus and saw an LED lightbuld.

    I asked the nice lady behind the counter what would justify paying $50 for a light bulb and she explained that it comes with a lifetime warranty and of course burns muchless energy.

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