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Thread: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

  1. #31

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    The atmosphere and fanbase were obviously great and the announcers said so. Our facility, however, wasn't great and they said that too. In over 10 hours of prime air time, a 2 minute interview with Farmer could have been done. They do it at football games, surely could have been done at at least one of the 3 baseball games is all I am saying. Did you watch every game on TV to make that statement? Every other stadium I saw was not as outdated as ours and didn't take the media criticism we did on it. It was an opportunity to help improve the facility perception to go along with the accolades for fanbase and atmosphere.
    Sounds like your beef is with ESPN, not with Farmer.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    It would be nice if ESPN had a desire to throw up softball questions for Athletic Directors, but that's evidently not the case. Also, I would have to imagine the NCAA, who owned the rights to the regional and pushes for "neutrality" in their tournaments and broadcasts, wouldn't be okay with it either.

    The softball interviews we do get only come with games that either we or the Sun Belt own the rights to. In these cases, the broadcaster tends to be much more accommodating.

  3. #33

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    We get it. But do you get the fact in order for that to happen, you would need an INVITATION to come on and talk about it?????
    And since this is an NCAA event I'd bet money that they aren't going to let that happen. They certainly limit a lot of things that you normally do in your stadium and I would imagine allowing a host institution air time to pimp their program is a big no no.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    The atmosphere and fanbase were obviously great and the announcers said so. Our facility, however, wasn't great and they said that too. In over 10 hours of prime air time, a 2 minute interview with Farmer could have been done. They do it at football games, surely could have been done at at least one of the 3 baseball games is all I am saying. Did you watch every game on TV to make that statement? Every other stadium I saw was not as outdated as ours and didn't take the media criticism we did on it. It was an opportunity to help improve the facility perception to go along with the accolades for fanbase and atmosphere.
    They were already at double capacity in their duck blind ... no room for anyone else!

    Kind of kidding there but you get the point. We have what we have and we know what we need to do. An interview isn't going to help that, unless you think someone watching the game is ready and willing to step up. I think those people were already around the Tigue.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Of course you fail to mention the best atmosphere and fanbase they've ever seen. It's ok though, Farmer sucks. Blah blah blah. What other AD spoke on camera with ESPN over the past two weekends? The answer is easy. NONE. It's all Farmers fault though...
    Just for the record, AD's speak at half times all the time. When Dr. Savoie and Scott Farmer held the ground breaking ceromony on the Tuesday night ESPN game, they televised it because the producer and the production crew were told that is was planned and they agreed to do it. So it's not exactly true that you have to be invited, but you certainly just can't walk into the both with your own agenda. Now, I agree it really didn't matter if Scott Farmer or any one else spoke about the need of a new facility, everyone could see it on national television or read the comments from the media every day.

    The larger picture is that Cajun supporters and alumni help address this need ASAP because it's not going to get done without people stepping up and donating. And this is where a full time Fundraiser for RCAF is critical, because Farmer has his hands full now with the RCAF General Fund and addressing the many other criteria of his job.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Just for the record, AD's speak at half times all the time. When Dr. Savoie and Scott Farmer held the ground breaking ceromony on the Tuesday night ESPN game, they televised it because the producer and the production crew were told that is was planned and they agreed to do it. So it's not exactly true that you have to be invited, but you certainly just can't walk into the both with your own agenda. Now, I agree it really didn't matter if Scott Farmer or any one else spoke about the need of a new facility, everyone could see it on national television or read the comments from the media every day.

    The larger picture is that Cajun supporters and alumni help address this need ASAP because it's not going to get done without people stepping up and donating. And this is where a full time Fundraiser for RCAF is critical, because Farmer has his hands full now with the RCAF General Fund and addressing the many other criteria of his job.
    The point is that according to a lot of people, it's Farmer's fault that it rained today. No rhyme or reason. Just anything bad is his fault. I got news for you people. Farmer and T-Joe aren't going anywhere. We are heading in the right direction. Bringing up old ____ and blaming every single thing that goes wrong along the way on them doesn't do anyone any good. You are actually hurting the university as prospective students and athletes get to this site by googling "ragin cajuns" and clicking on the 2nd highest link in the results.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Just for the record, AD's speak at half times all the time. When Dr. Savoie and Scott Farmer held the ground breaking ceromony on the Tuesday night ESPN game, they televised it because the producer and the production crew were told that is was planned and they agreed to do it. So it's not exactly true that you have to be invited, but you certainly just can't walk into the both with your own agenda. Now, I agree it really didn't matter if Scott Farmer or any one else spoke about the need of a new facility, everyone could see it on national television or read the comments from the media every day.

    The larger picture is that Cajun supporters and alumni help address this need ASAP because it's not going to get done without people stepping up and donating. And this is where a full time Fundraiser for RCAF is critical, because Farmer has his hands full now with the RCAF General Fund and addressing the many other criteria of his job.
    This wasn't a football game. There are no halftimes. Baseball broadcasts on ESPN are very easy to follow. Half way through the game, they will interview one coach. A couple innings later, the other coach. That's what happens on every SEC game broadcast during the year as well as every postseason game played. The broadcasters will discuss certain aspects during the regular season, but as someone suggested, ESPN is not going to let you pimp your program at your so-called neutral site.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Southern Miss is not on the schedule in 2015 or 2016. Next year we have a bye week which means only three weekends pre conference so we had to scratch that.

    And, the tournament at Minute Maid in 16 forced the cancellation of that series as well.
    Stony Brook and Jackson St. Yuk.......

  9. #39

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by The Antiwac View Post
    Stony Brook and Jackson St. Yuk.......
    Jackson State finished 27-25 so wouldn't have hurt our RPI this year. Stony Brook finished with a #37 RPI and actually would have helped our RPI this year with their 35-18 record.

  10. #40

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    The point is that according to a lot of people, it's Farmer's fault that it rained today. No rhyme or reason. Just anything bad is his fault. I got news for you people. Farmer and T-Joe aren't going anywhere. We are heading in the right direction. Bringing up old ____ and blaming every single thing that goes wrong along the way on them doesn't do anyone any good. You are actually hurting the university as prospective students and athletes get to this site by googling "ragin cajuns" and clicking on the 2nd highest link in the results.
    You got news for me? Go ahead and spill it, I’m willing to listen! I’m not bashing Scott Farmer; I simply said that interviews with AD’s happen all the time. Joe Dean interviewed at halftime at almost every LSU basketball game while AD. I’ve seen a many of interviews done by AD’s, so let’s not go down this road in a ____ing match because the examples are numerous. As I stated, I don’t think it was necessary for him to speak because there were many comments expressed by the media in articles and on twitter. So, I actually agreed with your statement that it was not important for Scott Farmer to speak on the issue.

    Now, I got some news for you. I have my own sources and speak to coaches and other employees at this university, so I don’t depend upon filtered information from the local print media or sports radio when it comes to Scott Farmer. He is not the devil that some people paint him as nor is he the patron saint that some of his defenders proclaim he is either. His hands have been tied at times by budget restraints and he has had to make unpopular decisions. There have been other times when his told coaches to go out and do things themselves because the money wasn’t available without making one phone call himself.

    I understand Scott Farmer is not going anywhere and that is fine with me because we have capable people in positions to succeed. But make no mistake about it, Scott Farmer is running this athletic department his way, not Dr. Savoie. The administration controls the budget, not the athletic department. And since Farmer has a free hand at running this athletic program, his decisions, actions and policies will constantly be under examination. Sometimes he will be criticized wrongly and there will other times were the criticism is right on target. But no matter what, some of his defenders that tailgate, play golf, tennis or drink with him will never agree with any negative comments directed at him unless it’s from a source from within his inner circle.

    I will criticize Scott Farmer when I feel it’s necessary and I’m sure that won’t sit well with some of his inner circle. But while I have criticized him at times, I’ve never stopped writing checks to this university, fundraising or promoting this program on my time and dime. How many media people that cover this university actually buy season tickets, donate money and are RCAF members? You can probably use several fingers to count them and that includes those with degrees from this university.

  11. #41

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by The Antiwac View Post
    Stony Brook and Jackson St. Yuk.......
    Stoney Brook won the 2012 super regional at LSU. JSU is an RPI burglar.

  12. #42

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    You got news for me? Go ahead and spill it, I’m willing to listen! I’m not bashing Scott Farmer; I simply said that interviews with AD’s happen all the time. Joe Dean interviewed at halftime at almost every LSU basketball game while AD. I’ve seen a many of interviews done by AD’s, so let’s not go down this road in a ____ing match because the examples are numerous. As I stated, I don’t think it was necessary for him to speak because there were many comments expressed by the media in articles and on twitter. So, I actually agreed with your statement that it was not important for Scott Farmer to speak on the issue.

    Now, I got some news for you. I have my own sources and speak to coaches and other employees at this university, so I don’t depend upon filtered information from the local print media or sports radio when it comes to Scott Farmer. He is not the devil that some people paint him as nor is he the patron saint that some of his defenders proclaim he is either. His hands have been tied at times by budget restraints and he has had to make unpopular decisions. There have been other times when his told coaches to go out and do things themselves because the money wasn’t available without making one phone call himself.

    I understand Scott Farmer is not going anywhere and that is fine with me because we have capable people in positions to succeed. But make no mistake about it, Scott Farmer is running this athletic department his way, not Dr. Savoie. The administration controls the budget, not the athletic department. And since Farmer has a free hand at running this athletic program, his decisions, actions and policies will constantly be under examination. Sometimes he will be criticized wrongly and there will other times were the criticism is right on target. But no matter what, some of his defenders that tailgate, play golf, tennis or drink with him will never agree with any negative comments directed at him unless it’s from a source from within his inner circle.

    I will criticize Scott Farmer when I feel it’s necessary and I’m sure that won’t sit well with some of his inner circle. But while I have criticized him at times, I’ve never stopped writing checks to this university, fundraising or promoting this program on my time and dime. How many media people that cover this university actually buy season tickets, donate money and are RCAF members? You can probably use several fingers to count them and that includes those with degrees from this university.
    The "news for you" wasn't directed at you, but more at all the other Farmer is satan believers. I understand a lot of what you say. I don't tailgate, fish or drink beer with Farmer. I've actually only spoken to him 2 or 3 times. Too many people on this board think that he can accomplish everything they want on our limited budget and handcuffs from the state. We sit here after having the most successful year in school history, the day hudspeth signs a monumental deal that will ensure that should he leave, we are in good shape, yet all that can be talked about is Farmer and T-Joe's shortcomings. How they screwed up this or screwed up that. How Farmer should have barged into the booth and demanded an interview to talk about the master plan. That ____ is getting old. We won't get to the promised land over night. We are, though, a lot closer than anyone could have imagined 5 years ago.

  13. #43

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    Quote Originally Posted by The Antiwac View Post
    Stony Brook and Jackson St. Yuk.......
    Are you knocking Stony Brook? They've made it to the CWS more recently than we have. And beat LSU at the Box to get there.

  14. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    You got news for me? Go ahead and spill it, I’m willing to listen! I’m not bashing Scott Farmer; I simply said that interviews with AD’s happen all the time. Joe Dean interviewed at halftime at almost every LSU basketball game while AD. I’ve seen a many of interviews done by AD’s, so let’s not go down this road in a ____ing match because the examples are numerous. As I stated, I don’t think it was necessary for him to speak because there were many comments expressed by the media in articles and on twitter. So, I actually agreed with your statement that it was not important for Scott Farmer to speak on the issue.

    Now, I got some news for you. I have my own sources and speak to coaches and other employees at this university, so I don’t depend upon filtered information from the local print media or sports radio when it comes to Scott Farmer. He is not the devil that some people paint him as nor is he the patron saint that some of his defenders proclaim he is either. His hands have been tied at times by budget restraints and he has had to make unpopular decisions. There have been other times when his told coaches to go out and do things themselves because the money wasn’t available without making one phone call himself.

    I understand Scott Farmer is not going anywhere and that is fine with me because we have capable people in positions to succeed. But make no mistake about it, Scott Farmer is running this athletic department his way, not Dr. Savoie. The administration controls the budget, not the athletic department. And since Farmer has a free hand at running this athletic program, his decisions, actions and policies will constantly be under examination. Sometimes he will be criticized wrongly and there will other times were the criticism is right on target. But no matter what, some of his defenders that tailgate, play golf, tennis or drink with him will never agree with any negative comments directed at him unless it’s from a source from within his inner circle.

    I will criticize Scott Farmer when I feel it’s necessary and I’m sure that won’t sit well with some of his inner circle. But while I have criticized him at times, I’ve never stopped writing checks to this university, fundraising or promoting this program on my time and dime. How many media people that cover this university actually buy season tickets, donate money and are RCAF members? You can probably use several fingers to count them and that includes those with degrees from this university.
    This is exactly how I feel. I think most understand that these things are part of the process. Farmer has done good things and bad. He deserves credit and criticism. Honestly, why would we want it any other way? If he'd be pleasing everyone, something would be amiss. If he'd be a total flop, he'd be gone and we'd be complaining about a bad year in our athletic program rather than complaining about how he's not succeeding "the correct way". Is there better out there? I'm sure. Is there worse? Absolutely. I think Scott is learning to deal with success just like the rest of us, and I have no problem with him as our AD for now.

    In a position like that, with a fan base that has been Shyt on for the better part of 30 years, upsetting people is going to happen. Having said all that, he should be held to a standard, and that standard should rise as he continues to hire people that succeed around him on and off the field.

    Regardless of all this, we need to keep pumping money into this thing. Now is not the time to be cynical or idealistic. Sometimes in life, you just have to trust blindly.

  15. #45
    Cajunjeb is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Notes from Coach Robichaux interview on the Cajun Redzone Show

    My question for Robichaux. "Has he asked Scott Farmer to 'show him the money!'"

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