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Thread: UL/Louisiana Branding

  1. #133

    Default Re: Who got to Ben McDonald ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunboy74 View Post
    I think the thing people dont realize is that the majority of the state is like me. I have lsu football season tickets since 2000. I attend alot of lsu baseball games too. But guess what I have been to alot of cajun football games and often both schools on the same day when lsu plays at the dreaded morning kickoff. I enjoy following both and listen to 1420 am most of the day and love hearing Jay Walker call a game I dont hate anybody I pull for both now if they play each oyher I am for lsu but if lsu is not in the game I go for the cajuns I dont care what they are ul, ull, louisiana I just enjoy sports and in state sports. I think when you hear the hatred its a smaller group than you think on this site and tigerdroppings its grouped as all lsu fans say they dont its the 50 people on that site posting dumb crap and same thing on here most people are neutral. Guess what? I graduated from Nicholls and even played ball there a few years but it isnt nearlly as exciting as cajun and lsu games are. Everybody doesnt have so much hatred as it seems reading a messgae board.
    Why should we care what the majority of the state is like? (I'm pretty sure that we aren't interested in being like a majority of the state. (I wouldn't trade Anything in Acadiana for anything you have in Baton Rouge. Refineryville is a cultural slag pit.) We know who we are. If you don't, then you aren't paying attention.

  2. #134

    Default Re: Who got to Ben McDonald ?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunfan337 View Post
    Haha I love this guy. "school down the road for people who didn't have the grades to get into LSU." Lsu hasn't had anything remotely special about academics in about 25 years. It has fallen behind UL so bad that y'all have to try and keep up with our admission standards.

    You must feel really cool that you donate 15% of your worthless salary to TAF just so you can "be in the know", but in retrospect you don't do anything for the program.

    Now go on, retort back with one of your snarky elitist jag off statements to make us feel like we're under you.

    I'm all ears, you miserable cumstain on a spec of dust.
    This is my absolute favorite. A&M slugs intimating that they are academically (that means book lernin', sluggo)superior. This from a school with an average athlete arrest of 1/week. The football roster is nearly complete on the wall at the US Post Office. The average A&M student couldn't find the library if you put a corn dog stand out front. That library looks like an auto garage from the 40s. An athletic budget of $117M+ and they haven't purchased a new book for the library since Billy Cannon was convicted. And finally, if A&M were academically superior, then why do they feel compelled to steal programs from the smaller programs around the state?

  3. #135

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Its T-Joe.

    And like I said; Walked in the door throwing it.

    Look, we throw around the word "fossil" when we talk about Authement.

    If we had busted our asses in the 70s and 80s like these kids are busting their asses today on behalf of this University, the conversation wouldn't be about CUSA. It would be about the AAC doing everything it could to hold on to us.

    Give the kids and the University some credit; the community wasn't proud and in love with U(s)L back in the 70s and 80s.

    The kids are showing the community its cool to be proud and in love with what is a staple of the community.
    I don't know that I would go that far. I was at the university from 74 to 80 and I remember pretty good crowds for football with a huge student attendance at that time. I also remember a packed Blackham Coliseum as well.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I have no worries about going up against you intellectually. I'm tired of your simple-minded approach to this subject. If you could have kept your message to a direct post stating that some (a very minor few) go overboard when our preferred nickname(s) are not used by "outsiders"... you would have been correct... and nothing further need be stated.

    You've meandered from that very simple (who gives a ____) comment... to questioning both our right to chosen nicknames... all the way to questioning if we shouldn't button up the entire nickname use until such time "we win more athletic contests" and then go seek to change our legal name.

    We've had this debate 50,000 times. We don't need simple-mined, johnny come lately, sessions on legal names versus nicknames. You continue to blather on and on about "legal names"... when you've been told repeatedly that we full well understand our "legal naming requirements"... and that we are discussing the use of the preferred "nicknames".

    Instead of being inquisitive on a subject that you just seem to have woke up and decided to chime in on... you've attempted to argue... argue that we are not "allowed" to use a nickname. You imply, ignorantly, that every nickname that ever came about was something that some legislative group got together and agreed to. Well, if that is part of your argument for this line of logic you're providing... you are the big moron in the room.

    You may not like that we have a name issue. Sorry about that. But, this has been going on for many decades... not just the moment in time that a law was established to direct the university in a specific legal naming convention. Due to the mechanisms that led to that legislative action, and the lawsuit that followed... is precisely WHY the nickname is a big issue to us. It's a "nickname". It is the equivalent of you having a name on your birth certificate that you either cut short or altogether used a different name. You cannot be told that you cannot use a "nickname". We use the nickname and we ask media to use it. We argue with the media about why they care about using a "legal name" versus a "nickname"... when in fact they use other program nicknames all of the time.

    The absolute only argument... that is valid... that you... in your BS posts haven't even touched on... is whether other entities "like" our nickname. Media isn't resolving our "right to a nickname". In all cases where media refuse to use our nickname, they're not doing so due to a legal requirement. They are doing so due to the objections of others. So, in all of your ramblings on this subject... THAT is the only argument to make. And it is purely subjective. There is no legal guide to nicknames.

    This entire BS topic aggravates the balance of solid fans on this forum. We, 98% of us, know what we're going to do. And you apparently are on board with the 2%... or you aren't really one of us to begin with. If you are a UL fan, then you need to get in a good solid group of 20 of us... in a face to face situation... and if you don't come away understanding the reasons behind the naming... you are either not a fan... or not intelligent or passionate enough to do anything but watch from the sidelines.
    I didn't question our right to do anything. I offered explanations as to why people may use the "nonpreferred" nicknames that make it ridiculous to get infuriated with them. If that means I'm getting "manhandled" or I am a "faux fan", I really don't care. This whole thing reminds me of making a valid point about Obama and getting called a racist because of it. From the second I said anything about the name, which name usage is what this thread is about, people starting jumping down my throat. The whole point of these boards is discussion. If any of you think that berating someone who isn't necessarily a fan just for using the name of the university is a good thing for UL sports or prestige or whatever, then fine, agree to disagree. The only time I made "simple minded" responses was in response to the same. The part about everyone getting mad about respect of the university was me simply pointing out that there is a process for changing the name that would end the entire name debate forever, and if the university wants it done and can't get it done right now, then obviously it doesn't have the respect or clout or whatever you want to call it to get that done. It wasn't a shot at the university, it was simply saying that if the programs continue to improve, eventually nobody would be able to stop the university from actually changing the name to what it wants. If it wasn't true, the official name of the university wouldn't be University of Louisiana at Lafayette right now as we sit here.

  5. #137

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by justafan83 View Post
    I didn't question our right to do anything. I offered explanations as to why people may use the "nonpreferred" nicknames that make it ridiculous to get infuriated with them. If that means I'm getting "manhandled" or I am a "faux fan", I really don't care. This whole thing reminds me of making a valid point about Obama and getting called a racist because of it. From the second I said anything about the name, which name usage is what this thread is about, people starting jumping down my throat. The whole point of these boards is discussion. If any of you think that berating someone who isn't necessarily a fan just for using the name of the university is a good thing for UL sports or prestige or whatever, then fine, agree to disagree. The only time I made "simple minded" responses was in response to the same. The part about everyone getting mad about respect of the university was me simply pointing out that there is a process for changing the name that would end the entire name debate forever, and if the university wants it done and can't get it done right now, then obviously it doesn't have the respect or clout or whatever you want to call it to get that done. It wasn't a shot at the university, it was simply saying that if the programs continue to improve, eventually nobody would be able to stop the university from actually changing the name to what it wants. If it wasn't true, the official name of the university wouldn't be University of Louisiana at Lafayette right now as we sit here.
    The official name is the official name because an entity to the east has more money and more clout with the legislature to make sure no one challenges their perceived superiority (or maybe inferiority) in all things. If you think this will change with notoriety I think you may be mistaken.

  6. #138

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    I don't know that I would go that far. I was at the university from 74 to 80 and I remember pretty good crowds for football with a huge student attendance at that time. I also remember a packed Blackham Coliseum as well.
    Right. And then we went to the Keg.

    These people attending today's school are on a different level.

    Just walking around campus for an hour or so yesterday was so cool. The vibe on campus is different today.

    Before, U(s)L was a way thru life.

    Now, UL is a way of life.

  7. #139

    Default Re: Who got to Ben McDonald ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TravlnCajun View Post
    Please don't feed the trolls, especially tee-Ellis who. Like all pests it encourages them to linger & cover the area with their stench
    I thought you could un-troll all the unwelcome trolls on this board.....go ahead, you have my permission to do so...

  8. #140

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by justafan83 View Post
    The part about everyone getting mad about respect of the university was me simply pointing out that there is a process for changing the name that would end the entire name debate forever, and if the university wants it done and can't get it done right now, then obviously it doesn't have the respect or clout or whatever you want to call it to get that done. It wasn't a shot at the university, it was simply saying that if the programs continue to improve, eventually nobody would be able to stop the university from actually changing the name to what it wants. If it wasn't true, the official name of the university wouldn't be University of Louisiana at Lafayette right now as we sit here.
    This statement proves your utter lack of knowledge as to why our official name is what it is. If you think this is true, then you are simply wrong. It's not a matter of opinion, you are just wrong. We changed our name through the established legal means in the 80's to UL, then after the fact an LSU judge reversed it, based on a ridiculous argument, then the LSU dominated legislature wrote a law specifically stop us. There is no process for us to change our name to what it should be without being stopped by the utterly corrupt university to the east. Now, stop making a god damn fool of yourself and move on.

  9. #141

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by justafan83 View Post
    I didn't question our right to do anything. I offered explanations as to why people may use the "nonpreferred" nicknames that make it ridiculous to get infuriated with them. If that means I'm getting "manhandled" or I am a "faux fan", I really don't care. This whole thing reminds me of making a valid point about Obama and getting called a racist because of it. From the second I said anything about the name, which name usage is what this thread is about, people starting jumping down my throat. The whole point of these boards is discussion. If any of you think that berating someone who isn't necessarily a fan just for using the name of the university is a good thing for UL sports or prestige or whatever, then fine, agree to disagree. The only time I made "simple minded" responses was in response to the same. The part about everyone getting mad about respect of the university was me simply pointing out that there is a process for changing the name that would end the entire name debate forever, and if the university wants it done and can't get it done right now, then obviously it doesn't have the respect or clout or whatever you want to call it to get that done. It wasn't a shot at the university, it was simply saying that if the programs continue to improve, eventually nobody would be able to stop the university from actually changing the name to what it wants. If it wasn't true, the official name of the university wouldn't be University of Louisiana at Lafayette right now as we sit here.
    You obviously just don't get it. It's been explained here very well, and apparently you either don't want to get it, or you just like to argue. Just remember that it's exactly your thinking that is holding this crusade back.

    One more time, the official or legal name, however you want to put it, is one thing. Branding for athletics is another. And the politics of this state (most of which is tightly tied to LSU) are not going to let that change anytime soon. The prestige of your degree, and perception nationally, something that could be a big benefit to you in your lifetime, is highly affected by the recognizable "name" of your school. And athletics is THE most recognizable advertisement for it. Again, if you're too thick-headed to realize it, then there is no need for further discussion. And to your point of people jumping up and down to fight for it, they are doing so to aid graduates of the university. You think that makes "us" look petty and are embarrassed by it, then you probably don't deserve the benefits of it later on in life. Hopefully, some day you will realize those benefits and be thankful for those that "fought the good fight" for decades. Or maybe you won't.

  10. #142

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Justafan83, you made your point, expressed yourself, we got it. You don't have to keep repeating the same thing over and over. You obviously don't agree, but you are not changing a single persons mind. We will continue the fight for UL, in any and all ways possible, and if that at times bothers you, so be it.

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by justafan83 View Post
    I didn't question our right to do anything. I offered explanations as to why people may use the "nonpreferred" nicknames that make it ridiculous to get infuriated with them. If that means I'm getting "manhandled" or I am a "faux fan", I really don't care. This whole thing reminds me of making a valid point about Obama and getting called a racist because of it. From the second I said anything about the name, which name usage is what this thread is about, people starting jumping down my throat. The whole point of these boards is discussion. If any of you think that berating someone who isn't necessarily a fan just for using the name of the university is a good thing for UL sports or prestige or whatever, then fine, agree to disagree. The only time I made "simple minded" responses was in response to the same. The part about everyone getting mad about respect of the university was me simply pointing out that there is a process for changing the name that would end the entire name debate forever, and if the university wants it done and can't get it done right now, then obviously it doesn't have the respect or clout or whatever you want to call it to get that done. It wasn't a shot at the university, it was simply saying that if the programs continue to improve, eventually nobody would be able to stop the university from actually changing the name to what it wants. If it wasn't true, the official name of the university wouldn't be University of Louisiana at Lafayette right now as we sit here.
    For the record I respect you, hope you noticed.

    Think of the issue this way; When someone uses ULL or some other ambiguous small minded name ... fans are not berating their "simple minded" small name digs, it is a "response to the same in kind" with accuracy thrown in lagnaippe.

  12. #144

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    A few questions for our thick-headed, knuckle dragging, "I-wanna-be-popular" A&M sycophant: Why not let us compete fairly in an open market for ideas? What is so scary about that? How could it possibly be bad for a state to have two competing flagships going toe-to-toe for prominence academically and athletically? Wouldn't that scenario produce the absolute best from both institutions? Wouldn't that competition thereby serve the citizens of the state best? Wouldn't it promote efficiency and excellence? Doesn't that seem to work well elsewhere? Your beloved A&M has an enormous head start, which we are willing to concede. We have been doing far more with much less for decades and are prepared to continue that. We can kick Tiger tail on a dime. So why not let us compete?

    If you can agree with any of that, then you are going to have trouble continuing with this "know your place" line of thinking. This is a juggernaut. If we can string together a few more academic and athletic successes, we will turn the corner on this thing, and you may feel pretty silly being on the wrong side of history.

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