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Thread: UL/Louisiana Branding

  1. #229

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    When it comes to "LU", just take both hands and form the "thumbs down" hand sign.

  2. #230
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    We can use "L" or "LA" on a hat. Do you really think it clears something up? First, "L" would be used as our apparently acceptable abbreviation for "Lafayette". Second, "LA" would be confused for "Los Angeles". We aren't struggling with "UL" on a hat. We are struggling with the spoken nickname. We aren't struggling with "Louisiana" or "Ragin Cajuns" or both on our uniforms. We struggle to get people to just use "UL" or "Louisiana Ragin Cajuns" when they write or speak in reference to us. You seriously think writers and announcers are cleared up on our identity issue with a shortened version of our legal name by going with "LU", "L", or "LA"?

    Come on! Please quit dibbling in the letter box like third graders. It's cute if you're 8 years old. It is not the least bit cute if you're actually a grown up educated person.

    We DO NOT need more symbology and lettering additions to confuse everyone! Stick with the plan, and cut this ____ out, please!

  3. #231
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    No I was referring to our baseball caps. For TV just tell them to use LA, the abbreviation for Louisiana.
    No Hammer! There is no other "UL". We ARE UL. If we have no right to "UL", we have no right to "LA". Screw everyone else and keep telling everyone "we go by UL". If they won't comply, they're just being _______s. I can live with it.

    If I told everyone to call us "Lafayette", how many outsiders would argue with me? None. It isn't a legal name. They just don't mind it. ____ them and the scrawny horse they rode in on. We ARE UL!

  4. #232

    Default Re: Who got to Ben McDonald ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    Oh, like the name of your university? I understand if you'd be confused, since you probably don't have one, but both of my cousin's diplomas say LSU A&M, not LSU.
    Damn, come to think of it I have diplomas from BOTH universities as does my wife, and yep, Louisiana State University Mechanical and Agricultural College is how 2 of those diplomas read! Wow how about that ONE does NOT have to wear on their jersey or hats/helmets what exactly is on their schools diploma!!!!

  5. #233

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    As one sage suggested just put a single L on the caps. No whining about the UL, "but Louisville uses it", etc.
    How many schools use MSU, NSU, ASU, etc? Just because ONE university uses UL(sometimes) does not mean we cannot use it sometimes or ALL the time!

  6. #234
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Who got to Ben McDonald ?

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    Damn, come to think of it I have diplomas from BOTH universities as does my wife, and yep, Louisiana State University Mechanical and Agricultural College is how 2 of those diplomas read! Wow how about that ONE does NOT have to wear on their jersey or hats/helmets what exactly is on their schools diploma!!!!
    Be careful rejecting LSU as the abbreviation for that university. You'll get a bunch of LSU people worried, and they'll want to put "LA A&M" on their hats to clear things up.

    I don't care what they call themselves any more than I care that they've redefined "canary yellow" as "gold". It matters not to me, and I am not going to write or call ESPN if they say "Purple and Gold" when it's actually "Purple and Canary Yellow".

  7. #235

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    You're not changing the battle by changing the order of the letters. We could go to court with anything you want, but we are part of a state system. The court would question our intent to leave the state system. Do you plan on UL becoming a private institution? This institution belongs to the state. The state has to rule on any state school name change. The courts will not change our name. They will only rule on the state constitutionality of the permission granted or denied. We will be denied. And the courts will uphold that decision.

    Regardless of the frustration, our legal name is what it is. Our nickname is the only item to work on. If you think that battle is difficult, frustrating, makes us look bad, isn't worth fighting, won't be won... any or all of the aforementioned... it is irrelevant. My greatest frustration is the unbelievable (to me) lack of understanding of the fact that when we did not win our legal challenge... we are stuck with our legal name. Our absollute only choice is to use it without any objectionable short versions... or continue to use the preferred nicknames. I prefer hanging in there with the preferred nicknames and to stop whining about the problems it creates.

    When I am met with opposition in life, I may "wish" it would go away... but if I feel my battle has a principle "to me" that is worth the fight... I'm going to break it off in quite a few people before I lay down for my eternal life after life. I guess I just don't care if it is a battle. I disagree it makes us look small. I believe every day we grow and succeed, it makes everyone else look small for arguing with us.

    I do, however, get very tired of having to both throttle the punks that blur the issue... while having you and a couple of others go off on this altogether totally tangential run on another name. We are definitely NOT going for another name... EVER... other than a future possible discussion with the state to clearly define us as "not the flagship - but the rightful owner of the name 'University of Louisiana'". Until that day comes around, regardless if it is two centuries from now... and there is no longer a state called Louisiana... we are sticking with what we're working with.
    My original suggestion was trying legally to change the name to Louisiana University which is something that should have been done at inception. I also stated I realized that would very likely never happen, so I suggested we go with legal references instead. Louisiana is apparently legal without "University of". UL is NOT legal and never will be. Why continue to beat our heads against the wall for something that is not attainable? You are OK with using the legal reference Louisiana, but don't like using a perhaps legal reference of LU instead of an illegal UL. If you don't like LU, OK. Not everybody does. It is a suggested remedy that may or may not work. If it does work, just like Louisiana works, I for one am all for the change to end all of this insanity. You prefer to fight the fight for UL. Fine. Go for it. After over 14 years of fighting with no end in sight, I am tired of this crap. It means a lot to me too and to a lot of people on this board. But this f'ed up state will never allow UL or University of Louisiana without a city tag. Winning won't change anything. Our administration doesn't appear inclined to fight for it. This thread is a discussion of possible alternatives to UL which is facing so much objection. You have your opinion. Fine. Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean we are all wrong. While I certainly value your opinion, it is not the definitive in all of this as you pontificate.

  8. #236
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    While I certainly value your opinion, it is not the definitive in all of this as you pontificate.
    Not the definitive!? You are the first to suggest this absurdity!

    "LU" at this point... sucks. It isn't going to get "legalized" either. And I don't want to make alternative suggestions to the university even if there may be a serious fight ahead for them. They need to bow up. There are state employees that don't get fired for sex with minors. No one at UL is risking their job with our use of "UL". No diploma, no letter T-Joe signs, or anything else says "UL".

    Our state will be the laughing stock of this country if UL gets bushwhacked by the state for our UL stuff at athletic events. I want to see the fight. I want to laugh with the rest of the nation and help them point out all of the backwards upside down problems this state has... as we continue to showcase the number one athletic university in the country... in the least educated state in the country.

    We need this battle. Isn't T-Joe willing to go down in history as a martyr for a great cause... for his beloved UL?

  9. #237

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    We all know that UL is what we want, but it sounds like to me you want to be dead right then, living and be wrong. We all know what the state did was wrong. The rule is set in stone and there is nothing we can do about it. We must think outside the box if we ever going to get the mainstream to use Louisiana.

  10. #238


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Not the definitive!? You are the first to suggest this absurdity!

    "LU" at this point... sucks. It isn't going to get "legalized" either. And I don't want to make alternative suggestions to the university even if there may be a serious fight ahead for them. They need to bow up. There are state employees that don't get fired for sex with minors. No one at UL is risking their job with our use of "UL". No diploma, no letter T-Joe signs, or anything else says "UL".

    Our state will be the laughing stock of this country if UL gets bushwhacked by the state for our UL stuff at athletic events. I want to see the fight. I want to laugh with the rest of the nation and help them point out all of the backwards upside down problems this state has... as we continue to showcase the number one athletic university in the country... in the least educated state in the country.

    We need this battle. Isn't T-Joe willing to go down in history as a martyr for a great cause... for his beloved UL?
    Regrettably, I don't think he does. No one wants to lose UL, but unless our administration does what you suggest, we are doomed to this never ending struggle.

  11. #239


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I have no worries about going up against you intellectually. I'm tired of your simple-minded approach to this subject. If you could have kept your message to a direct post stating that some (a very minor few) go overboard when our preferred nickname(s) are not used by "outsiders"... you would have been correct... and nothing further need be stated.boom.....roasted

    You've meandered from that very simple (who gives a ____) comment... to questioning both our right to chosen nicknames... all the way to questioning if we shouldn't button up the entire nickname use until such time "we win more athletic contests" and then go seek to change our legal name.

    We've had this debate 50,000 times. We don't need simple-mined, johnny come lately, sessions on legal names versus nicknames. You continue to blather on and on about "legal names"... when you've been told repeatedly that we full well understand our "legal naming requirements"... and that we are discussing the use of the preferred "nicknames".

    Instead of being inquisitive on a subject that you just seem to have woke up and decided to chime in on... you've attempted to argue... argue that we are not "allowed" to use a nickname. You imply, ignorantly, that every nickname that ever came about was something that some legislative group got together and agreed to. Well, if that is part of your argument for this line of logic you're providing... you are the big moron in the room.

    You may not like that we have a name issue. Sorry about that. But, this has been going on for many decades... not just the moment in time that a law was established to direct the university in a specific legal naming convention. Due to the mechanisms that led to that legislative action, and the lawsuit that followed... is precisely WHY the nickname is a big issue to us. It's a "nickname". It is the equivalent of you having a name on your birth certificate that you either cut short or altogether used a different name. You cannot be told that you cannot use a "nickname". We use the nickname and we ask media to use it. We argue with the media about why they care about using a "legal name" versus a "nickname"... when in fact they use other program nicknames all of the time.

    The absolute only argument... that is valid... that you... in your BS posts haven't even touched on... is whether other entities "like" our nickname. Media isn't resolving our "right to a nickname". In all cases where media refuse to use our nickname, they're not doing so due to a legal requirement. They are doing so due to the objections of others. So, in all of your ramblings on this subject... THAT is the only argument to make. And it is purely subjective. There is no legal guide to nicknames.

    This entire BS topic aggravates the balance of solid fans on this forum. We, 98% of us, know what we're going to do. And you apparently are on board with the 2%... or you aren't really one of us to begin with. If you are a UL fan, then you need to get in a good solid group of 20 of us... in a face to face situation... and if you don't come away understanding the reasons behind the naming... you are either not a fan... or not intelligent or passionate enough to do anything but watch from the sidelines.

  12. #240

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    How many schools use MSU, NSU, ASU, etc? Just because ONE university uses UL(sometimes) does not mean we cannot use it sometimes or ALL the time!
    Don't disagree. I've never bought into the "but they already use it" argument. But that is not the reason we are discussing thus. There is the "use of UL is illegal" argument. So the question is, if we were forced to cease the use of UL what do we use instead?

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