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Thread: UL/Louisiana Branding

  1. Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    I still to this day believe, that all UL 1st semester students should be required to take a 1 hour class to teach them this history of our name debate. MOST don't know about it, don't understand it, and still use ULL.

    Every student coming over the Basin has been indoctrinated with ULL

    For students from north of Bunkie it was Lafayette.

    For students east of Iota it's UL Lafayette.

    Well very few of them come to UL know one iota of correct Louisiana nomenclature.

    UL needs to take 1st semester students to Cajun Basin, down through the tunnel deep inside The Swamp create a Bunkie down mentality and play a one-hour video on the new HD screen, doing exactly what you just said.

    While they are there they can ...

  2. #122

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Brilliant idea, a coordinated effort to educate the students would be great. Do they (some) know that when you hold up the "hand sign" it doesn't have that extra L on it? So why say it or write it?

  3. #123

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I have no worries about going up against you intellectually. I'm tired of your simple-minded approach to this subject. If you could have kept your message to a direct post stating that some (a very minor few) go overboard when our preferred nickname(s) are not used by "outsiders"... you would have been correct... and nothing further need be stated.

    You've meandered from that very simple (who gives a ____) comment... to questioning both our right to chosen nicknames... all the way to questioning if we shouldn't button up the entire nickname use until such time "we win more athletic contests" and then go seek to change our legal name.

    We've had this debate 50,000 times. We don't need simple-mined, johnny come lately, sessions on legal names versus nicknames. You continue to blather on and on about "legal names"... when you've been told repeatedly that we full well understand our "legal naming requirements"... and that we are discussing the use of the preferred "nicknames".

    Instead of being inquisitive on a subject that you just seem to have woke up and decided to chime in on... you've attempted to argue... argue that we are not "allowed" to use a nickname. You imply, ignorantly, that every nickname that ever came about was something that some legislative group got together and agreed to. Well, if that is part of your argument for this line of logic you're providing... you are the big moron in the room.

    You may not like that we have a name issue. Sorry about that. But, this has been going on for many decades... not just the moment in time that a law was established to direct the university in a specific legal naming convention. Due to the mechanisms that led to that legislative action, and the lawsuit that followed... is precisely WHY the nickname is a big issue to us. It's a "nickname". It is the equivalent of you having a name on your birth certificate that you either cut short or altogether used a different name. You cannot be told that you cannot use a "nickname". We use the nickname and we ask media to use it. We argue with the media about why they care about using a "legal name" versus a "nickname"... when in fact they use other program nicknames all of the time.

    The absolute only argument... that is valid... that you... in your BS posts haven't even touched on... is whether other entities "like" our nickname. Media isn't resolving our "right to a nickname". In all cases where media refuse to use our nickname, they're not doing so due to a legal requirement. They are doing so due to the objections of others. So, in all of your ramblings on this subject... THAT is the only argument to make. And it is purely subjective. There is no legal guide to nicknames.

    This entire BS topic aggravates the balance of solid fans on this forum. We, 98% of us, know what we're going to do. And you apparently are on board with the 2%... or you aren't really one of us to begin with. If you are a UL fan, then you need to get in a good solid group of 20 of us... in a face to face situation... and if you don't come away understanding the reasons behind the naming... you are either not a fan... or not intelligent or passionate enough to do anything but watch from the sidelines.

    J1M...absolutely the best explanation I've read or heard of why we continue the fight. Bravo!

  4. #124

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    I still to this day believe, that all UL 1st semester students should be required to take a 1 hour class to teach them this history of our name debate. MOST don't know about it, don't understand it, and still use ULL.
    You probably wouldn't even have to go to that length... just have a short session during Freshman Orientation regarding the history of the name debate.

  5. #125

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    I still to this day believe, that all UL 1st semester students should be required to take a 1 hour class to teach them this history of our name debate. MOST don't know about it, don't understand it, and still use ULL.
    Yesterday, at orientation. They aren't flipping the bird.

    Either the incoming freshmen are doing this of their own volition, or they are getting direction from somebody with a little more experience.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  6. #126

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    My son's scholarship signing at Acadiana.

    Who's that feller to the left of the picture?

    BTW, he walked in throwing it.

  7. #127

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Do you notice Coach Hud in the middle of it all? Number 1 cheerleader!

  8. #128

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post

    Every student coming over the Basin has been indoctrinated with ULL

    For students from north of Bunkie it was Lafayette.

    For students east of Iota it's UL Lafayette.

    Well very few of them come to UL know one iota of correct Louisiana nomenclature.

    UL needs to take 1st semester students to Cajun Basin, down through the tunnel deep inside The Swamp create a Bunkie down mentality and play a one-hour video on the new HD screen, doing exactly what you just said.

    While they are there they can ...
    I grew up in Lafayette, I guess that's why I was so confused the first time I saw it written with the extra L. Even before I enrolled in the university or was even a Cajuns fan, it was never anything but UL to me. I guess that's why I get so frustrated when I hear students say "ULL." It's a rarity, but it has happened.

  9. #129

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    Do you notice Coach Hud in the middle of it all? Number 1 cheerleader!
    Actually, it was Hud and Brodhead.

    There were 400 kids for this orientation alone.

    I've also had some UL student-interns come thru my office.

    To a one, they are cognizant of the branding. They ONLY reference UL or Louisiana.

    Are they sophisticated enough (at this point) to know the nuances and particulars that have occurred since 1984? Probably not, but UL and Louisiana seem to be a way of life for them.

  10. #130

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    My son's scholarship signing at Acadiana.

    Who's that feller to the left of the picture?

    BTW, he walked in throwing it.
    looks like T-Joe? Well our old fossil president would have never done that. So this makes me smile.

  11. #131

    Default Re: Who got to Ben McDonald ?

    Quote Originally Posted by justafan83 View Post
    Ok, I'll stand corrected on that part, even though it had nothing to do with the main point of my post, and I just found out by reading the graphics standards manual that the actual athletic team name of the university is "Louisiana Ragin Cajuns", which is how they get around including the Lafayette on athletic jerseys and athletic signs and such. I never remembered that from when I was in school there and always used to laugh at all the t-shirts from football games having a tiny "Lafayette" fine printed under Louisiana. Either way, I apologize for making the wrong statement there. However, the main point of the post was about people throwing a temper tantrum when anyone in the media or even in just a conversation gets infuriated when someone says ULL or University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I went to a lot of baseball games this year, including the games this weekend and the weekend before, and it just gets so old seeing people go ballistic just because someone said the name of the university. I really believe it makes us look bad. That's all.
    I find it interesting that you, as a student at UL - you did say that you were a student at UL, right? - cannot see the obvious benefits to you inherent in this branding thing. Can you not see that the value of your degree (I make the possibly invalid assumption that you did graduate) is increased thru branding as UL or Louisiana, as opposed to anything with a city name attached. Further, I find it difficult to believe that any justice-loving American could know the history of this issue and not be generally ______off that UL, its students and the people who love it were blatantly screwed. It occurs to me that you may not have a broad understanding of the issue, and just have not grasped the import to the situation to your personal standing. Of course, it may also may be that you just don't care about yourself, or this university.

  12. #132

    Default Re: UL/Louisiana Branding

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    looks like T-Joe? Well our old fossil president would have never done that. So this makes me smile.
    Its T-Joe.

    And like I said; Walked in the door throwing it.

    Look, we throw around the word "fossil" when we talk about Authement.

    If we had busted our asses in the 70s and 80s like these kids are busting their asses today on behalf of this University, the conversation wouldn't be about CUSA. It would be about the AAC doing everything it could to hold on to us.

    Give the kids and the University some credit; the community wasn't proud and in love with U(s)L back in the 70s and 80s.

    The kids are showing the community its cool to be proud and in love with what is a staple of the community.

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