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Thread: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

  1. #37

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    Broadway was obviously most valuable. We saw it first hand. No way of knowing what happens without EP or jace, I was in mobile personally to see what happened without broadway.

  2. Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Broadway was obviously most valuable. We saw it first hand. No way of knowing what happens without EP or jace, I was in mobile personally to see what happened without broadway.
    --------All are very good points ---but what about the value of Christina ???? Try looking at it through those glasses!!!! lol She did take us further then all the above mentioned and talk about valuable in her role in the sport of softball as a pitcher!!!

  3. #39

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    Goes to show what a great sports year it was for us. Legitimate candidates in football (Broadway), baseball (Conrad), basketball (Payton), and softball (Hamilton).

  4. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Broadway was obviously most valuable. We saw it first hand. No way of knowing what happens without EP or jace, I was in mobile personally to see what happened without broadway.
    As you know, it was freezing and brutal to watch. That was the first game I've ever left early.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    As you know, it was freezing and brutal to watch. That was the first game I've ever left early.
    my group was not very happy, i made them stay until the team left.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    As you know, it was freezing and brutal to watch. That was the first game I've ever left early.
    I was there also with antifreeze in tow. Be prepared duggie85.

    That was kind of brutal.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    it was brutal. The only merciful thing was it was only an 75 minute ride home for me instead of the usual home game trek

  8. #44

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    I was in Mobile in the sleet watching my Cajuns get stomped. I thought it was the freezing temperatures that had me feeling down so I was trying to stay warm with lots of whiskey.

    Ended up with the flu the next week. Not a very fun roadtrip at all....

    We stayed to the last snap but I was very tempted to go warm upnthe truck early.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Talk to me about the new UL Scoreboard!

    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post
    I was in Mobile in the sleet watching my Cajuns get stomped. We stayed to the last snap but I was very tempted to go warm upnthe truck early.
    You can be tempted but you must let the temptation pass. You really don't think we would have let you leave early? Having way too much fun.

  10. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post
    I was in Mobile in the sleet watching my Cajuns get stomped. I thought it was the freezing temperatures that had me feeling down so I was trying to stay warm with lots of whiskey.

    Ended up with the flu the next week. Not a very fun roadtrip at all....

    We stayed to the last snap but I was very tempted to go warm upnthe truck early.
    We made it to the end of the 3rd before we decided to make the trek back to the vehicle to hit up a Steak 'n Shake.

  11. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post
    I was in Mobile in the sleet watching my Cajuns get stomped. I thought it was the freezing temperatures that had me feeling down so I was trying to stay warm with lots of whiskey.

    Ended up with the flu the next week. Not a very fun roadtrip at all....

    We stayed to the last snap but I was very tempted to go warm upnthe truck early.
    I don't remember any sleet, only the cold harsh wind in the face.

  12. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by BayouRichard View Post
    I don't remember any sleet, only the cold harsh wind in the face.
    I may be remembering the experience being worse than it actually was.

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