View Poll Results: Scale of 1-10 rate how well Scott Farmer is performing

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  • a 10 rating

    13 8.67%
  • a 9 rating

    12 8.00%
  • an 8 rating

    36 24.00%
  • a 7 rating

    29 19.33%
  • a 6 rating

    20 13.33%
  • a 5 rating

    13 8.67%
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    8 5.33%
  • a 3 rating

    11 7.33%
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    5 3.33%
  • a 1 rating

    3 2.00%
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Thread: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

  1. #145

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Was this response in honor of J1M?? LOL.

    I will say this Hammer. I don't think those obstacles have been removed. I don't think they ever will be removed. We will never have sufficient funding to be able to compete with the big boys. Hell, many of the programs in CUSA or AAC have budgets at least double ours. When you have teams like UCF and Memphis who have budgets hovering around $40million, its hard to say we have overcome these obstacles. Hell, as per Jay's response, we don't have enough money from the state to hire a full staff in the athletics department.

    Now, while our budget is horrible and funding is trickling in, its much better than it was say 5-8 years ago. We now have a private financing source along with a slightly increased athletic budget to now increase our resources but we are not at a point and I don't see us at a point anytime soon where the coaches are not having to work alongside the administration in bringing in money.

    I will not argue with you or Z about his role, or lack thereof, in the naming issue and the conference shuffle issues because if you are accurate in your feelings towards him about those, I think those are big dings against him. However, I guess what I'm saying is I truly don't know his role or non role in those issues so its hard for me to go bashing him without full knowledge. Perhaps Jay could enlighten us about that but I don't think he would.
    Yeah, It's hard to get J1M and his thongs out of my head.

    There is a difference between the obstacles that used to be in place and an insufficient budget. In the past we were prevented from having an athletic fundraising organization or student fees and had to rely solely on state funding. The difference now us those two obstacles have been removed in theory although they have not been fully implemented. And the lack of full implementation is not entirely Farmer's fault. Most of that lies with TJoe. But figures reported in the Advertiser today showed our budget for 2013 as $18.1 million. That's awful close to what we stated was CUSA's benchmark. So he has a lot more to work with. And if TJoe would get off his ___ and make the right decision soon (like yesterday) on the separation of RCAF and hiring the fundraiser he would have even more to work with.

  2. #146

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Zeph...almost every time I've tried to explain things, I've been called an apologist for the University. So, you're right. I don't go there any more.

    Instead I have private conversations with people who actually truly care about this.

  3. #147

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Zeph...almost every time I've tried to explain things, I've been called an apologist for the University. So, you're right. I don't go there any more.

    Instead I have private conversations with people who actually truly care about this.
    C'mon, Jay. We all care about this. We wouldn't be here if we didn't. We certainly wouldn't have stuck around through all the years of the previous administration. At times I get more frustrated today. We finally got rid of a guy who we discovered was a flat out obstructionist for a guy who gives us hope with some good decisions and then mucks it up with boneheaded decisions or seeming spineless inability to make a decision.

    You yourself stated the need to separate RCAF. So why can't a decision be made on that and a fundraiser for RCAF? All this delaying is wasting opportunity once again to strike while the iron is hot just as we did with the New Orleans Bowl victories. I don't know if there will be another time when excitement about UL athletics has been at the fever pitch that it's been in the past few weeks. Yet we don't have anyone in place to take advantage of that. And given the short attention span of most people nowadays that excitement will cool quickly. (again, this aspect is not all on Farmer, it rests mainly with TJoe.)

  4. #148

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Tony, while you may be correct, I've taken enough personal attacks on this board when I've tried to explain things to where I simply don't care to offer my opinions to everyone when it comes to how the athletics department is run.

    You and I know each other well enough to where I'm willing to discuss this with you anytime.

    But I'm done trying to explain it to those who really don't want to hear it.

  5. #149
    Cajunjeb is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Zeph...almost every time I've tried to explain things, I've been called an apologist for the University. So, you're right. I don't go there any more.

    Instead I have private conversations with people who actually truly care about this.
    Jay, I understand the "dammed if you do, dammed if you don't", but RP is full of people "who actually truly care about this." The problem is, and as I feel as well, the university athletic department does not do a good job of communicating with "all" of the masses about athletics. Now, I do agree that for legal reasons, some things cannot be discussed. But, the whole Adidas roll-out thing was a debacle. Someone needed to "own' that entire communication plan. Instead, the athletics department had to spend the rest of the day on damage control. This, and the whole dreaded name thing is an embarrassment to the university, athletes and fans of the university. It's a shame that Ben McDonald on Sunday had to mention on National television that "we" don't know what "we" are supposed to call ourselves. When I heard this, I was embarrassed.

    The university, and the Lafayette area, is full of highly talented, bright minds in marketing and PR. This athletics department needs work with marketing and public relations. Scott Farmer is responsible for the athletics "message". I think he falls short in this.

  6. #150

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Tony, while you may be correct, I've taken enough personal attacks on this board when I've tried to explain things to where I simply don't care to offer my opinions to everyone when it comes to how the athletics department is run.

    You and I know each other well enough to where I'm willing to discuss this with you anytime.

    But I'm done trying to explain it to those who really don't want to hear it.

    Same reason I stopped calling into BEV.
    Tired of being talked down to when I try to make a point.

  7. #151

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post
    Same reason I stopped calling into BEV.
    Tired of being talked down to when I try to make a point.
    You showed him. Last time I checked, he still has a radio show and is the voice of the Cajuns.

    Jay, thanks for always speaking with me when we cross paths. Your insight is appreciated.

  8. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    You showed him. Last time I checked, he still has a radio show and is the voice of the Cajuns.

    Jay, thanks for always speaking with me when we cross paths. Your insight is appreciated.

    May want to check your pearly whites to make sure they arent full of BOP tail feathers.

    Jay chooses not to post on RP because he doesn't appreciate how he is talked to.

    I choose not to call his show for the same reason. No big deal.

    Why you getting so worked up?

  9. #153

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunjeb View Post
    Jay, I understand the "dammed if you do, dammed if you don't", but RP is full of people "who actually truly care about this." The problem is, and as I feel as well, the university athletic department does not do a good job of communicating with "all" of the masses about athletics. Now, I do agree that for legal reasons, some things cannot be discussed. But, the whole Adidas roll-out thing was a debacle. Someone needed to "own' that entire communication plan. Instead, the athletics department had to spend the rest of the day on damage control. This, and the whole dreaded name thing is an embarrassment to the university, athletes and fans of the university. It's a shame that Ben McDonald on Sunday had to mention on National television that "we" don't know what "we" are supposed to call ourselves. When I heard this, I was embarrassed.

    The university, and the Lafayette area, is full of highly talented, bright minds in marketing and PR. This athletics department needs work with marketing and public relations. Scott Farmer is responsible for the athletics "message". I think he falls short in this.
    How could I have forgotten the Adidas debacle!?! seriously, considering all the other name screw ups they should have anticipated the fallout from those jerseys not having Louisiana on them.

    As for the deal with McDonald, I suspect he was punked by a bunch of trolls from other schools masquerading as UL fans. Of course, if our SID or someone from the department had briefed them prior to the broadcast that shouldn't gave happened. So it makes you wonder if that is another instance of not being proactive.

  10. #154

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post

    May want to check your pearly whites to make sure they arent full of BOP tail feathers.

    Jay chooses not to post on RP because he doesn't appreciate how he is talked to.

    I choose not to call his show for the same reason. No big deal.

    Why you getting so worked up?
    Not worked up. Just making a point. Most of the time Jay talks down to people on the radio when they go to a topic that he said he was done with or they are spewing absolute false information. We get a lot of information from Jay and his show and it would be in our best interest to keep him willing to share that info.

  11. #155
    Cajunjeb is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Not worked up. Just making a point. Most of the time Jay talks down to people on the radio when they go to a topic that he said he was done with or they are spewing absolute false information. We get a lot of information from Jay and his show and it would be in our best interest to keep him willing to share that info.
    Rage, I agree with you about why our connection to Jay is important. He delivers the goods we all want. I like Jay and agree with him most of the time. Yes, he is short with some callers, but I would be too. His approach is direct which could be off-putting to some, but that's how it is. Just like RP

    I can also understand he is "stuck between a rock and a hard place." People "in the know" tell him things and he has to keep those quiet. I am sure he wants everyone to know, but hey, he's the voice of the Cajuns. It's a great gig! He has to "toe the line" to keep everyone happy. He chooses the lesser of two evils, and the lesser is the fans on RP who want to "know". I wonder if it is a challenge for him to be "Bird of Paradise" and "The Voice of the Cajuns" and the sports radio host.

    Jay does have a short leach when it comes to some callers and shuts them down. I think at times prematurely. Also, I think callers call in to provide their personal thoughts about the story of the day. Their opinions. I could see where someone would take issue when Jay say something negative about their opinions or say that he disagrees. No one wants to be wrong...and they certainly don't want to hear that they are wrong.

  12. #156
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Zeph...almost every time I've tried to explain things, I've been called an apologist for the University. So, you're right. I don't go there any more.

    Instead I have private conversations with people who actually truly care about this.
    I've been called far worse than an "apologist"... and I not only still occasionally talk to those women... I still sleep with them.

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