View Poll Results: Scale of 1-10 rate how well Scott Farmer is performing

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  • a 10 rating

    13 8.67%
  • a 9 rating

    12 8.00%
  • an 8 rating

    36 24.00%
  • a 7 rating

    29 19.33%
  • a 6 rating

    20 13.33%
  • a 5 rating

    13 8.67%
  • a 4 rating

    8 5.33%
  • a 3 rating

    11 7.33%
  • a 2 rating

    5 3.33%
  • a 1 rating

    3 2.00%
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Thread: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

  1. #73

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Y'all are cherry pickers as well just on the other side if the fence. If people were on here blaming farmer at all for on field would be telling them they are crazy. I don't think he should get any credit for in field performance...good or bad. Just as in the private sector, there are a ton of ceo's that get credit for something they don't do. The guys in the field make it happen. I'm willing to give credit to farmer on things he directly affects and won't blame him on things he doesn't. He controls the words that come out of his mouth, not Conrad's batting average.
    I have seen the private sector operate EXACTLY as you have described it.

    So when a CEO for example BP's goes up in front of congress and get jacked up and then gets fired its HIS fault...but its the employees that get the praise for the YEARS of no accidents?

    There is no way that some one would say that Farmer is directly responsible for Jace's BA or the teams offense... that's coach Deggs BUT IF you give Robe any credit at all for it then you should do the same for Farmer. By all means WAY less the Robe...but non the less some credit. Coaches don't get hired without the AD's approval.

  2. #74

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    It's funny that you list all the things that we can't blame farmer for because they are out of his control. Then in the same breath we should give him credit for things...that are out of his control. He controls our on field success about as much as he controls the red tape in Baton Rouge.

  3. Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    It's funny that you list all the things that we can't blame farmer for because they are out of his control. Then in the same breath we should give him credit for things...that are out of his control. He controls our on field success about as much as he controls the red tape in Baton Rouge.
    An AD is more like an orchestra conductor.

    He puts the instruments at hand in the right place.

    It can be disaster or beautiful.

    Right now the whole program has struck a pretty good note, (a few really) but it takes note after note before you have something to sing about/with.

  4. #76

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    It's funny that you list all the things that we can't blame farmer for because they are out of his control. Then in the same breath we should give him credit for things...that are out of his control. He controls our on field success about as much as he controls the red tape in Baton Rouge.
    Farmer is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of this athletic department, but you have to have reasonable expectations. He does not have a $100Mil budget, he has no support from the state of Louisiana, he has 100 years of disappointment to make up for. Most people at the university do not know anything about what this athletic department is doing. It was pounded into their heads for years that athletics should be kept down. It is almost impossible to fire people in the public sector. He is doing what he can with what he has to work with. It is the most exciting time in UL athletics history. I'd say he's getting the job done.

  5. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    An AD is more like an orchestra conductor.

    He puts the instruments at hand in the right place.

    It can be disaster or beautiful.

    Right now the whole program has struck a pretty good note, (a few really) but it takes note after note before you have something to sing about/with.
    Exactly what I'm trying to say, if every team falls flat next year, that won't be Scott farmers fault at all, just like it wasn't his work that made their successes. If we set unbelievable season ticket sakes it will be because farmer took advantage of the teams success and I'll give him the credit for that. If we stay the same or barely grow given unprecedented success, I would see that as a failure on his part. Not every AD position is the same, if we had unlimited resources and a ton of coaching turnover with sustained success I would give that AD a little more credit. We haven't, our coaches are here, they are producing on the field. I judge our current AD and situation by what happens next. No time to sit around circle jerkin.

  6. #78

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Whose responsible for scheduling? Home and home with Boise? Alabama at the Tigue? Numerous power houses at Lamson? Is that coaches or AD?

  7. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    Whose responsible for scheduling? Home and home with Boise? Alabama at the Tigue in baseball? Numerous power houses at Lamson? Is that coaches or AD?
    Babineaux for baseball, can't answer for the others.

  8. #80

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    See what you started Turbine? Were are just 2 days into the dead off season and civil war has begun!!!!!!

  9. #81

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    It's funny that you list all the things that we can't blame farmer for because they are out of his control. Then in the same breath we should give him credit for things...that are out of his control. He controls our on field success about as much as he controls the red tape in Baton Rouge.
    Its his job to ensure that we are successful. so he will get credit for both direct and indirect actions. Far less credit for indirect and much more for direct and exactly the same when something goes down the tubes. It cant be had both ways. I would be hard pressed if more that a select handful of people on this board and in the admin know EXACTLY what he is directly responsible for.

    we are chugging along pretty damn good right now and he, in part and along with WHOLE athletics department, should get credit for it. OH and by the way the fans, from the biggest bandwagoner to the biggest donor, should also get some credit for our success. Bravo to everyone this past year...its a great time to be a Cajun's fan!

  10. #82

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    I think it's both. AD should ultimately approve.

  11. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbuf View Post
    Its his job to ensure that we are successful. so he will get credit for both direct and indirect actions. Far less credit for indirect and much more for direct and exactly the same when something goes down the tubes. It cant be had both ways. I would be hard pressed if more that a select handful of people on this board and in the admin know EXACTLY what he is directly responsible for.

    we are chugging along pretty damn good right now and he, in part and along with WHOLE athletics department, should get credit for it. OH and by the way the fans, from the biggest bandwagoner to the biggest donor, should also get some credit for our success. Bravo to everyone this past year...its a great time to be a Cajun's fan!
    Then next time he is getting blame for something that isn't directly his doing, I want to hear the same. But it hasn't been that way in the past , it's always it's out of his control, what do you expect him to do? What should he have told you? The truth? I'm not directing this donkey at you but his defenders use a different a set of rules for his failures than they do for the success.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Rate the job Scott Farmer is doing as UL AD

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Then next time he is getting blame for something that isn't directly his doing, I want to hear the same. But it hasn't been that way in the past , it's always it's out of his control, what do you expect him to do? What should he have told you? The truth? I'm not directing this donkey at you but his defenders use a different a set of rules for his failures than they do for the success.
    I understand...and in the past I have been one to say give him a chance. I still do say that but I also try to see the brighter side of things, luckily things are going well now a days.

    The thing is unless we are in the meetings and conversations its hard to say what he supports and what he doesn't. for instance the whole ULM name gate for football. was that T-Joe? Farmer? the Conference? Were concessions made for a deal later on? Did Farmer go home and kick the cat? Did T-Joe do the same? Who knows! Sometimes hands are tied. We have a long way still to climb and we are really gaining ground. The best is yet to come!!

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