I have an idea. Why not make this an annual ritual? The man is at an institution of higher learning. Why should he get a pass from year to year when I'm sure all the students, student athletes, & coaches are expected to perform year in & year out. Let us revisit this same topic next season & every season thereafter. I think this is a rather refreshing way to keep the pressure applied where it should be. It should be applied directly to the neck so the job should never become so comfortable for Farmer that he does not feel the tines of the pitchfork in his back, or the pungent smell of the oil the crowd is ready to tar & feather him with. This should in turn keep the man amply supplied with motivation to keep the schedule nicely enhanced, the coaches nicely entreated when they perform. And quickly shown the door when they don't. Plus, keep the program moving in an ever forward continually expanding process.