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Thread: Red Jackets offer words of gratitude

  1. Default Red Jackets offer words of gratitude

      On behalf of the "Agin' Raging Cajun Red Jackets," I wish to convey sincere thanks to all who made our 2008 homecoming reunion a success.

    Thirty-five of us enjoyed the festivities, renewing old friendships, and the football game.

    Thanks are extended to the alumni staff, especially Shane and Tammy for making our reunion the best; to Mr. Walker, Mr. Farmer and their staff for arranging a seating area for us; to Sheriff Mike Neustrom for providing a bus and driver for our transportation; and to UL's new president, Dr. Joseph Savoie, for taking the time to visit with us.

    We hope the Red Jackets who were unable to attend this year will mark their calendar to join us for a fun-filled Ragin' Cajun homecoming in 2009!

    Yea rouge! Yea blanc! Yea cajun allons!

    Corinne Randazzo ( in Vidalia )
    Red Jacket, President

    The source of the story

    The Red Jackets lasted from 1937 to 1959
    pictured: 1946-47 Red Jackets
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Homes SO Clean

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