Lets say you get a transfer and move to a different part of the country. You'll be a part of a projects team that has at least 100 members. Its the smallerst department in the building with the other departments comprised of 2000 other employees. First day at work, boss walks you around to introduce you and he does the same thing moments later in a meeting of the 100 members. At the same time a welcome memo is sent to the other 2000 employees in the building. One problem. Your boss introduces you as ____...you prefer Richard and have always prefered Richard, but your introduced by a name you don't like and the welcoming memo also uses ____ to introduce you.....This is a huge opportunity for you, a chance to be a difference maker....yet, everyone in the building calls you ____...everyone in the corporate offices call you ____, everyone calls you ____, yet you prefer Richard.
How would you handle this?