_ Pretty cute.
But I have a bone to pick. You're Troy University, in the town of Troy, and you're the Trojans.
The Trojans were part of Homer's
Greek epics.
But Troy wasn't actually Greek, it was a 13thC BCE bronze age culture. We don't know much about them, so let's just start with the fact that it's a Greek tradition.
A bronze age Greek helmet would have looked like this:
Yes, some of them had plumes:
Of course as you can see, a lot of the time the soldiers also went nekkid.
I wouldn't recommend that.
But why the HECK do you guys show a ROMAN soldier, from a completely different culture, that existed over a 1,000 years after Troy, and 800 years after the time of Homer???
I know, I know. It seems pretty picky.
But you are a university... aren't you?
This is the sort of things that educated people should know about. _