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Thread: 1984 University of Louisiana name change (court case)

  1. #13

    Default Re: 1984 University of Louisiana name change (court case)

    Lets file a Banana Republic NO-MORE, We want a "University of" in Louisiana, like we had before when Tulane was The University of Louisiana, and USL was The University of Louisiana! Tell LSUa&mc@BR to GROW the HELL UP, and help this state of ours to move UP not backwards. Hell LSU could not run Pennington Research they were $25 million in the hole, LSU hospital system THEY failed, UNO was about bankrupt LSU had to spin it off to the LARGEST University school system in the state, The University of Louisiana!!!

  2. #14

    Default Re: 1984 University of Louisiana name change (court case)

    In my opinion our approach should be the same as LSU's and every other State University in the U.S.....The University of Texas at Austin is the proper name of that University. The University of Texas as a stand alone is actually an acronym. They use also UT-Austin, UT, Texas etc. as acronyms for the University. We eventually need to get a law passed to allow The University of Louisiana at Lafayette to Use UL and The University of Louisiana as acronyms for our University. Right now the "LSU" rule does not allow us to do that. A loophole allows us to use Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns as an Athletic least that is how I see it....please correct if I am wrong on this...

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