Microsoft today launched myBulletins, a new online security bulletin customization service that will allow IT professionals a personalized list of the Microsoft security bulletins that matter most to their organization. It is easy to use: simply visit myBulletins, log in to your Microsoft account, select the products and versions running in your environment, and a customized list of only those security bulletins is displayed. To develop myBulletins, we asked if there was anything we could do differently to make applying security bulletins easier. We recognize that not all of the products covered in the monthly security bulletins may be operating in your environment. You shared that you needed the ability to cut through complexity and make decisions quickly. You wanted help identifying the information that is most relevant to your organization. We heard you and acted on your feedback. Starting today, myBulletins will enable you to quickly find security bulletins using advanced search and filtering options. The online service prioritizes security bulletin deployment by release date, severity, and reboot requirements...
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Microsoft News