Microsoft Research FUSE labs today revealed a new project called Eventful._Eventful makes it possible for anyone to access the service of event reporting. The reporting process is executed behind the scenes through a crowd of people working online or at the event to produce a news report. Eventful_system_helps produce news reports by recruiting and guiding remote and locative crowd workers who attend events in person to perform information collection missions. Basically,_journalism as a service. Here is how it works, Eventful makes requesting a report a one-step process: identify the event type, location, date, and duration. A few hours later and under $150 dollars, a multimedia event report is ready. Eventful hopes to prevent community groups that organize local events on a tight budget from scrambling to cover the event themselves (or risk getting no coverage)._A city council could use the system to request reports of discussions that take place during important public meetings. A local blogger could solicit news of community events that they can’t attend themselves. Eventful assigns reporting...

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