In an interview with The Wall Street Journal in Istanbul, Microsoft Chairman John Thompson spoke about the new CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella and the company’s progress in the recent days. He said, “Satya is still defining and tuning what he wants the ultimate strategy of the company to be, and over the course of the next three to six months, that will clearly become more visible to the marketplace at large.” He said that the situation is lot different from when Steve Ballmer took over from Bill Gates as the CEO of Microsoft in 2000, “You would find it to be a very different environment today than it might have been a year or two ago,” Mr. Thompson said._“The employee base in Microsoft, particularly the tens of thousands of engineers we have, are ecstatic that we have someone with Satya’s background leading and guiding and managing our company. Bill is as involved as Satya wants him to be.” He also revealed that Microsoft has allocated lots of resources to...
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