Boomer alert: #99
Boomer alert: #99
Suck it Hoax.
I am super happy for this win, glowing actually. But I can not get over those lick-spittle, kiss ___, Arizona worshiping, courtiers that ESPN tried to pass off as announcers.
You know the commentators were bad when your mother is texting you, cursing up a storm as to how bad they were. I seriously hope we win again tomorrow just to shut those fools up...again.
I usually don't get bothered by announcers but that was unreal. The play by play chick was ok, but the analyst girl was obnoxious with her Arizona love fest. Uninformed would be an understatement, and she was generally rooting out loud for UA. She went so far as to call us lucky!
Oh well. Her team lost tonight. Too bad.
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