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Thread: Football 1931

  1. SLI 1921-1960 Football 1931


    1931 UL Football Roster (alphabetical)
    Robert Bailey
    Allen Bernard
    Tilden Bonin
    Raymond Brown
    Jack Cart
    Raoul Chauviere
    Charles Crowder
    Ewell Ducote
    Sam Fertitta
    Ethbert Hagan
    Henry Landry
    T.L. Levy
    Monroe Moss
    Giles Pennington
    Luther Perrin
    Winston Renfrow
    Morgan Rodemacher
    Clay Summers
    Robert Robertson

  2. Default

    1931 was the year the first night football game was held at the University of Louisiana.

    The game was held between the Crockett Aviators from Fort Crockett, Texas.

    The newly install illumination consisted of "giant flood lights special transformers, and ten poles 65 feet hight which...(were) used to suspend the large reflectors to permit perfect visibility from any angle on the sidelines."

  3. Default Re: Football 1931


    The next game was played on "Homecoming Day" and was 'ballyhooed' to a tense point. Those who wanted the Bulldogs to "make Homecoming real by beating Louisiana College" had the satisfaction of witnessing a very real homecoming. In a hard-fought game the Bulldogs triumphed 7-6

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