Harrison walks on a close full count pitch.
1 on 2 outs B7.
Harrison walks on a close full count pitch.
1 on 2 outs B7.
Ground ball to short ends the inning.
5-4 after 7.
Bunt out on a pop up after lead off man reaches.
1 out runner on 1st. T8.
Inning over after strentz throws out runner trying to steal and a strikeout.
5-4 Cajuns. B8.
Cajuns out of it. Man, ULM really sucks at baseball.
I held out as long as I can but the wife is getting mad we are running late for our plans this evening. I won't be able to give play by play for the last inning. Someone keep us posted please! Cheers and Geaux Cajuns!
Tieing run at 3rd base with one out.
Harrison strikes out batter for second out!
Tieing run scores on wild pitch.
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