Yesterday, Microsoft confirmed that the next installment in the Halo saga: Halo 5: Guardians, coming in fall 2015 for Xbox One. Frank O’Connor, Franchise Development Director at 343 Industries revealed some more details about the upcoming game at their official blog. In addition to developing the game, they have developed an advanced game engine to support it. Also, Microsoft and 343 Industries will reveal more information at E3 and beyond. But we’re not just making a new game in that three year span, we’re also making a new engine. During the development of Halo 4, we pushed the Xbox 360 and the engine to its limits, and we were happy with the way we were able to make the Halo universe look. The Xbox 360 still has a few tricks up its sleeve, even now. We are moving to a whole new platform with the Xbox One – a new architecture, new graphics hardware and bluntly some new ways to think about gaming, period. Bonnie also called out 60fps and...

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