UK based developer Rare which is the creative brain behind_popular Kinect based titles such as_Kinect Sports, Kinect Sports: Season Two and Kinect Sports Rivals still remains an important part of Microsoft despite Microsoft’s decision to unbundle Kinect from Xbox One. Talking to TotalXbox, Phil Spencer said that the studio is independent to chose their next project and they are “evaluating what they want to do next”. “[Rare has] just come off the successful launch of Kinect Sports Rivals,” said Spencer. “I think I’ve heard a few times from people asking about Rare – they’re in the process of evaluating what they want to do next, and we’re working closely with them to see what their new project will be. “And I’ve also laughed when people have tried to use the word, what I “force” them to do – if you’re around any independent studio, or like Rare a studio that’s independent-minded, you’ll know that forcing a studio to do something is never a successful equation. So they’re free to look...

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