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Thread: Love Titanfall? EA has launched a companion app for iOS and Android

  1. Default Love Titanfall? EA has launched a companion app for iOS and Android

    "Stand by for Titanfall." If you're used to hearing that immensely satisfying phrase multiple times each day, we suspect you've fallen for Respawn Entertainment's latest sci-fi shooter. Publisher EA is hoping to broaden the experience with a companion app for iOS and Android. Both are now available and keep you notified about the latest updates to the game, as well as stats on total kills, weapon loadouts and your time spent in its mech-on-mech combat world. The app also comes with a second-screen map feature, which lets you quickly review your teammates' location and where the battle is unfolding.

  2. Default Redspawn Releases Titanfall Companion App For iOS And Android Devices

    Redspawn has released a Titanfall companion app for iOS and Android devices. This app will provide youlatest info and updates to Titanfall, also you can find_your stats from anywhere including total kills, favorite weapons, time spent playing and more. App Description: Enhance your Titanfall™ experience with the Titanfall™ Companion App. Provides you with notifications for all of the latest info and updates to Titanfall™. Features rich intel about the history of the Titanfall™ universe, characters, weapons, maps, modes and controls. Now review your stats from anywhere including total kills, favorite weapons, time spent playing and more._Includes exciting features available when connected with your Xbox One Console. With the second-screen map feature, you have at your fingertips a full screen, real-time interactive mini-map of the game you’re playing. See and track your teammates and where the action is happening live and with the ability to zoom in and out to focus on key areas of the map. Use a filter feature to access additional map information that cannot be accessed anywhere...

    The rest of the story...
    Microsoft News

  3. This is a GREAT IDEA Titanfall companion app is live, Xbox One only for now

    Today, the biggest game for the Xbox One finally has a companion app, which is kind of a bummer if you’re playing Titanfall on your PC. There can be no doubt that Titanfall […]

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