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Thread: Band ... Music ... musings

  1. #37

    This is Upsetting Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon View Post
    _ Hmm.. must be the bye week. _
    Yeah, the TEAM hasn't lost in a month, so THESE YAHOOS have to find someone else to B_____ at!!!

  2. Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by NOCajun View Post
    _ Yeah, the TEAM hasn't lost in a month, so THESE YAHOOS have to find someone else to B_____ at!!! _
    I agree!!!

  3. Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    I like band.

    Kill the piped in music and mike the band

  4. Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    I cant do anything but read this thread and laugh... This is good stuff, haha..

  5. #41

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun918 View Post
    _ I cant do anything but read this thread and laugh... This is good stuff, haha.. _
    Drum majors should be able to do the "Worm" on demand. Period.

  6. Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginRash View Post
    Drum majors should be able to do the "Worm" on demand. Period. _
    I agree!!

  7. #43

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post

    Kill the piped in music and mike the band _
    Please! Pretty please!!

  8. #44

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    You don't see me criticize football much, because I've never played it, I don't know it that well to be able to do that. I love to watch it, but I' not going to try and criticize something I don't know that well. I'm tired of criticism of the band by people who've never put an instrument to their face, or marched in a marching band. _
    Amen. Westfield High School c/o 95 band nerd here.

  9. #45
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    You don't see me criticize football much, because I've never played it, I don't know it that well to be able to do that. I love to watch it, but I' not going to try and criticize something I don't know that well. I'm tired of criticism of the band by people who've never put an instrument to their face, or marched in a marching band. _
    Again, I don't think anyone is crticizing you or your mates. But, you said it yourself that the Director is the one who controls what is played and everything else, which is what people are saying could be improved. I think a lot of people agree that the overall atmosphere during the game could use a few adjustments, and some of the things that you guys do, controlled by the Director, is included in that.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ I like band.

    Kill the piped in music and mike the band


  11. #47

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Oh yeah, kill the piped in music, that's the most I've seen little kids enjoy themselves in a long time. Sorry but the band music doesn't make the atmosphere for young Cajun's (kids) jump up and down and have a good time. The atmosphere has been great, kind of like the Ice Gator games, remember how many supported them, good product on the ice, but more importantly great time watching the game. We have a good product developing on the field, keep up the atmospere, sorry but if the band can't get it, which they haven't the pa music is the next best thing...not knocking the band, like someone sayed it's the directors.

  12. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    _ Again, I don't think anyone is crticizing you or your mates. But, you said it yourself that the Director is the one who controls what is played and everything else, which is what people are saying could be improved. I think a lot of people agree that the overall atmosphere during the game could use a few adjustments, and some of the things that you guys do, controlled by the Director, is included in that. _
    Well, that was more a response to someone telling me that we shouldn't be tired. I said that fatigue plays a factor in what we can play and how much we can play, to which I was told that since a high school band can do it, we should be able to do. The fact is that we play twice as loud, play much harder music, and do twice as much as a high school band. We also don't have the numbers of a bigger band like at LSU A&M, so when their players can take a rest and still sound good, we can't. We have to play all the time.

    That's what I was complaining about on that particular post, but I know where you're coming from, and you're right.

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