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Thread: Band ... Music ... musings

  1. #13

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunref View Post
    _ I may be old school, but the playing of music over the PA to me is bush league IMO; especially when the PA guy is on announcing the last play. During timeouts possibly, but that is why you have a band. I was not impressed with PA guy either, we need a more professional approach. Other than that what a great nite at Cajun Field, reminds of what it was like in the 70's during Augie's good years and a few others...A&M _
    No it's not bush league. If you listen closely a ton of college football teams do this now. If the band isn't playing anything there is nothing wrong with playing music. Heck we can't even hear the band in the student section it's nice to hear something. I just wish they would play more than the same 3 songs, with less rap music.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by derf View Post
    _ Transfer to one of those schools _
    I'm happy to be a Cajun thank you! Just because you appreciate something another school has doesn't mean you don't have pride in your school! If you didn't know that was possible I feel bad for you.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    _ I would be happy if they'd just UNlearn the espn theme song. _
    ummm AMEN to that, if I remember right, last year it seemed like that was all they knew. Maybe it was the year before. yes UNLEARN please!

  4. #16

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    I wish the band would not play while WE HAVE THE BALL!

  5. #17

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    I need to rant about something this early in the morning.

    1. Can the band look any smaller? They look freakin tiny taking up a WHOLE section on the student side. Group them all together; will look much better!

    2. Sportscenter theme was cool like 10 years ago and you were playing on ESPN!

    3. Don't make a peep when we have the ball; unless we get a first down and they play the last few lines of the fight song. However, when they do actually do that now, they don't even start doing that until the team is already at the line of scrimmage for the next play.

    4. I'm sure I could find more to rant about the band, but I'll just stop for now.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    My thoughts on the band:

    I thought the band was more organized than in the past. I liked the UL Formation at the beginning of the game also. They just were not loud enough because we don't have enough members.
    In the past I don't remember them always wearing the hats and the uniforms, but I may be wrong. The unis look great.

  7. #19
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by andrepourciau View Post
    _ The ONLY thing I don't/didn't like (also happened at Kent St game) was the band not playing to start the 4th qtr. Having the Ragin' Jazz out there dancing instead is weak to me. What happened to playing the fight song to start the 4th qtr?

    Traditions are IMPOSSIBLE to start at this school with how quickly we change things out around here!!! _
    The problem with all of this is that there is NO coordination between the different groups. The band is in one corner, the Cheerleaders in another, and the Jazz in another. I talked to one of the Cheerleading Captains last year and she told me that there were some things that they wanted to do, but it was hard to get cooperation from the Band and the Admin to try some of these thing and they were kinda handcuffed.

    What we NEED is a 'Traditions Team' composed of a few fans, young and old, that can meet regularly with the different groups to come up with good things to do during the game, and make sure everything is organized better. Something like this could really make the game experience better, could really make the Student's v. Grandstand Cheers better (Ragin v. Cajuns, etc), and could result in some sort of Yell Practice or something so that the student's, and all fans in general, could learn more chants and cheers than just "DE-Fense" or "Let's Geaux Ca-Juns, clap clap clap". And if this were done for football, then it would make the environment for basketball that much better as well.

    Personally, I think we have a great band. They are great marchers, and the basketball crew does a great job for those games. But in the grand scheme, the size and their instrumental makeup doesn't make for a great band while in the football stands.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    _ The problem with all of this is that there is NO coordination between the different groups. The band is in one corner, the Cheerleaders in another, and the Jazz in another. I talked to one of the Cheerleading Captains last year and she told me that there were some things that they wanted to do, but it was hard to get cooperation from the Band and the Admin to try some of these thing and they were kinda handcuffed.

    What we NEED is a 'Traditions Team' composed of a few fans, young and old, that can meet regularly with the different groups to come up with good things to do during the game, and make sure everything is organized better. Something like this could really make the game experience better, could really make the Student's v. Grandstand Cheers better (Ragin v. Cajuns, etc), and could result in some sort of Yell Practice or something so that the student's, and all fans in general, could learn more chants and cheers than just "DE-Fense" or "Let's Geaux Ca-Juns, clap clap clap". And if this were done for football, then it would make the environment for basketball that much better as well.

    Personally, I think we have a great band. They are great marchers, and the basketball crew does a great job for those games. But in the grand scheme, the size and their instrumental makeup doesn't make for a great band while in the football stands. _

    I posted this under another thread before reading this one. It is more appropriate under this thread.

    I was at the game and the students did a great job. However, I have a real beef with the game management. Our band, during the game, is horrible. They don't know what to play or when to play it. They don't know how to get the crowd in the game. The intercom kept playing rap music when our band should have been playing and even at the same time. When our team comes out to start the second half, the band is walking around, there is a truck give-away still going on and no one even notices the team is back on the field. The band needs to find a tune they play just for great defensive stops. We need to have a tune that allows the fans to get into the game and spell C-A-J-U-N-S. We need the fight song played often, not the crap they play all the time. The pre-game and half-time performances are ok, it is during the game when nothing takes place and it kills the game atmosphere. Even at the start of the game, the announcer tells everyone to welcome the Ragin Cajuns and the band plays the fight song, but the team is still in the tunnel. When they actually run onto the field, everything stops, the band is not playing and the fans don't know what is going on. Nothing is coordinated. We have a chance to capture this community for Homecoming and will likely get 30,000 plus. We need a much better game atmosphere and environment that is closer to BCS level than high school. Sorry for the rant, but I was embarrassed and appalled at what I saw and heard. All of this is fixable.

  9. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Disappointed in the Band...


    To those who said that we didn't play enough: we've played A LOT more in the stands than we have played in the past few years. The NCAA rules don't allow bands to play a whole lot. This year however, our AD told us to play when we need to play, basically, and when or if a ref warns us we'll tone it down. (We got a warning from the refs at the ULM game for playing too much) Also, we're human, we're not machines. If you run all day, you're going to be tired right? Well, we have practice from 10:30 until 12:30 in The Swamp, the day of the games. We also have the Cajun Walk and we have the Ragin' March. We have three pep rallies, at the Alumni tent, at the ticket booth, and on the hillside. Then we have pre-game, then we have our halftime show. We're much more interested in saving our chops so that we sound good during the times we're actually the main attraction i.e. pre-game and halftime. (If you want to hear how well we really play, come to the Showcase of Marching Bands Saturday, we play at 6. We won't play the entire day, so we'll be ready to go for our performances.) Also, WE'RE FANS TOO!!!!! We want to watch our Cajuns play we don't want to but stuck looking at our director all night.

    There is absolutely no coordination between the PoA, the Jazz and the cheerleaders. I remember when I first started, the Jazz had a different person in charge, and we would always be working with each other. They'd be at our practices during the week to work out things with the dance tune, and when we'd go somewhere we'd all ride together and hang out and have a good time. Now, with this new person in charge, it seems like they want no part of the band. The only time we ever see them is for maybe 20 minutes on Saturday during our rehearsal. They always have to have they always have to have their own section on the buses, and seem to be worried about only themselves. To a lesser extent this holds true with the cheerleaders, although they travel with the football team, its kinda like they're in a different division I guess. I dunno.

    As far as us not playing when the team comes out: we've always played as the team was running onto the field, this time, however, the team took too long. We weren't too early, they were too late.

    As far as us not playing the fight song when the team comes out in the second half: what do you want us to do?? We're trying to get back into our seats. How about the crowd take some initiative and SING the fight song when they come out since we can't play it.

    As far as us playing when we had the ball, yeah I was f-ing ____ed about that too, blame our band director.

    As far as us not playing the fight song tag (the "Hustle up and bustle up and fight on to victory, Geaux U-L!!" part") after we get a first down, as soon as we see the signal that we got it, our director is yelling at us to play. The drummers are always playing grab-_____ and never come in when they're supposed to. It ____es us off too, blame the percussion. A lot of times, we can't play because they take too long to get ready.

    We want to play more and new things. We've gotten a lot of new music. However, its up to our band director to make time in rehearsal to learn them, and up to him to call them up for us to play during the games.

    Don't blame the band for anything. All we do is follow orders. Would you blame a private for something his sergeant ordered him to do? No, so don't blame the band for all this stuff. Most of the time its not our fault.

    I've taken all the criticism, but the one thing that has been requested most by this forum of the band actually happened last night, and nobody said a thing about it (to my knowledge.) As soon as the game was over, we played the fight song, followed directly by our ALMA MATER!!! We played it before most people even left, the team was still in the middle of the field. Our director even talked with the AD and got them to put to lyrics to the Alma Mater on the screen.

    Just give us a break guys. I mean, we all have classes, we all have jobs, we all have lives. I work about 36 hours on top of school, my girlfriend, band and the fraternity I'm pledging, and I still have to find the time when I do get free time to do homework, study for exams, wash clothes, clean my house etc.; this is a common story among students. We get worn out. Like I said, we're only human, and we do our best to try to entertain our fans during the games.

  10. #22
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    You tell em Cajunbander! I seriously doubt that anyone is directing the criticism at the band members. It is the band directors and we need to take our suggestions directly to him/them. I doubt he will listen, but I can guarantee you he isn't scanning this forum for advice. I have rarely met a band director that could balance between what he likes to hear himself and what he very much ought to provide in sound and show for a football stadium audience. Southern and Grambling do not have the conflict, but that is an argument for another day. Much larger college bands just use band size benefits. Most are still moderately lacking in entertainment value.

    I know what will work for Cajun Field audiences and how to keep the balance between music dignity and football stadium audience entertainment. I will take my suggestions directly to the band directors.

    You keep up the good work Cajunbander... those who know the work involved admire your efforts.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    _ Alright.

    I have been critical of the band in general and, as you pointed out, should be critical specifically of the band director and not the band members as you are only following his lead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    "This year however, our AD told us to play when we need to play, basically, and when or if a ref warns us we'll tone it down. (We got a warning from the refs at the ULM game for playing too much)."
    I talked to Scott Farmer and this is being addressed at their weekly staff meeting. He said my criticism was accurate and is being addressed. BTW, if you have ever seen a Michigan, Oklahomo or USC game, their bands play primarily one song the entire game, over and over and over whenever a big play occurs, a touchdown is scored, to get the crowd fired up, whatever it takes. And, it works! The band cannot play the fight song often enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    "Also, we're human, we're not machines. If you run all day, you're going to be tired right? Well, we have practice from 10:30 until 12:30 in The Swamp, the day of the games. We also have the Cajun Walk and we have the Ragin' March. We have three pep rallies, at the Alumni tent, at the ticket booth, and on the hillside. Then we have pre-game, then we have our halftime show. We're much more interested in saving our chops so that we sound good during the times we're actually the main attraction i.e. pre-game and halftime. (If you want to hear how well we really play, come to the Showcase of Marching Bands Saturday, we play at 6. We won't play the entire day, so we'll be ready to go for our performances.) Also, WE'RE FANS TOO!!!!! We want to watch our Cajuns play we don't want to but stuck looking at our director all night."
    I understand what you are saying. You may simply be doing too much on game days. It is not a question of what the band sounds like when playing. It is not knowing WHAT to PLAY or WHEN to PLAY IT. The pre-game and half-time shows are OK. But, it is what is going on during the game that is MORE IMPORTANT. That is what the fans are primarily there for. But, it is the complete package that makes it memorable. The Director runs the band like a bad high school band. This is supposed to be major college football. It is time he GETS IT or he needs to be replaced.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    "As far as us not playing the fight song tag (the "Hustle up and bustle up and fight on to victory, Geaux U-L!!" part") after we get a first down, as soon as we see the signal that we got it, our director is yelling at us to play. The drummers are always playing grab-_____ and never come in when they're supposed to. It ____es us off too, blame the percussion. A lot of times, we can't play because they take too long to get ready."
    That is absolutely rediculous. The Director needs to get control of the band and run this better. How many times did we hear rap music being played on the loud speaker instead of the band or at the same time as the band was playing, and it usually started first because the band wasn't doing anything? That was just horrible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    "As far as us not playing the fight song when the team comes out in the second half: what do you want us to do?? We're trying to get back into our seats. How about the crowd take some initiative and SING the fight song when they come out since we can't play it."
    The half-time show ends just before the team comes back to the field. Why not simply have the band for a double line in the endzone and let the team run through you while playing the fight song, then go to your seats? Why do you have to be walking up to the seats to start the second half and miss about 5 minutes of actual play time while you get reseated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    "I've taken all the criticism, but the one thing that has been requested most by this forum of the band actually happened last night, and nobody said a thing about it (to my knowledge.) As soon as the game was over, we played the fight song, followed directly by our ALMA MATER!!! We played it before most people even left, the team was still in the middle of the field. Our director even talked with the AD and got them to put to lyrics to the Alma Mater on the screen."
    That was nice, but don't play the ALMA MATER while the players are all circled in the middle of the field. Get the players to all walk up in front of the band and play while they hold up their fingers with UL. Then, let the players do the walk around the stadium doing high 5's with the students and fans while the fight song is being played. That is the start of a very nice post-game tradition and more and more fans will stay after the game to see it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    "Just give us a break guys. I mean, we all have classes, we all have jobs, we all have lives. I work about 36 hours on top of school, my girlfriend, band and my fraternity, and I still have to find the time when I do get free time to do homework, study for exams, wash clothes, clean my house etc.; this is a common story among students. We get worn out. Like I said, we're only human, and we do our best to try to entertain our fans during the games."
    Look, I appreciate all that you guys do. It is not that. It is poor direction and leadership that is the root cause. Other great college bands like Michigan, Ohio State, USC and even LSU don't have these kind of problems. The band is what keeps the people into the game, yelling and cheering and particpating in things like spelling out C-A-J-U-N-S as part of an uplifting tune right after a great play. We don't have any of that.

    This is a very significant part of the game that is missing and the band is THE critical element. Any criticism here is intended as constructive. I have been to a lot of BCS football games and know how the band interacts and its importance to the overall gameday experience. We just don't have that at UL at all. Scott Farmer realizes that and is now starting to address it as I have communicated all of these very things directly to him.

    As we continue to win and our fan bases gets larger and larger and attendance continues to grow, we need to address having the TOTAL Gameday Package. My intent here is to point that out and generate positive discussion that will lead to our achieving that.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Disappointed in the Band...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    Just give us a break guys. I mean, we all have classes, we all have jobs, we all have lives. I work about 36 hours on top of school, my girlfriend, band and the fraternity I'm pledging, and I still have to find the time when I do get free time to do homework, study for exams, wash clothes, clean my house etc.; this is a common story among students. We get worn out. Like I said, we're only human, and we do our best to try to entertain our fans during the games. _
    Don't take it personally.

    There are several people on here who mean well, but got an F- in Tact 101.

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