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Thread: Petroleum Engineering

  1. #61

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    I'm 19 however I don't know how I will pay for this school.... Will loans be able to pay for me? I am independent and my parents won't give me any aid because I want to do this instead of medicine.
    If you do enroll in an ENGR program, you will soon have to learn how to do stuff for yourself. Having everything spoonfed to you is absolutely NOT how it works. Everything you need to know about enrollment, curriculum, course offerings, class schedule etc. is on the school website. You just have to put your big boy britches on and go find it, instead of asking the same questions over and over again to a of bunch of jack legs on a sports message board. So here: if you are not ready to take initiative and WORK, an engineering degree from UL is not for you.

  2. #62


    Try career services on campus, they could help you find a part time job while you are here. And in addition to Pell grants, the loans can be deferred until after you finish School but you have to complete your studies. The minute you drop, they'll come calling. Besides, Lafayette is a good spot to get an oilfield job. Service companies mostly, but they are the pathway to the E&P companies if you didn't come from OU, UT, A&M or a 5 year stint with Halliburton, Schlumberger, Weatherford or Baker Hughes and you'll have doors open up all over the globe..

  3. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    If you do enroll in an ENGR program, you will soon have to learn how to do stuff for yourself. Having everything spoonfed to you is absolutely NOT how it works. Everything you need to know about enrollment, curriculum, course offerings, class schedule etc. is on the school website. You just have to put your big boy britches on and go find it, instead of asking the same questions over and over again to a of bunch of jack legs on a sports message board. So here: if you are not ready to take initiative and WORK, an engineering degree from UL is not for you.

    $20,057 / yr
    I can hopefully get 9500 my first year in fed loans, pell grant (if I get it) is $5,730 = 15,320$..... I still would have 5k remaining to pay (why is housing so costly?)

    I was planning on trying for the army ROTC scholarship (where they pay for school but you have to serve 8 years, 4 active & 4 reserve) however the army has a position for petroleum engineers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Chicago24 situation is something I sympathize with. He is in a cultural bind. Many folks from that area of the world really care what their parents think. I know a guy who had an issue with his parents in his 30's and he had a PHD. It's not that we don't care what our parents think here, it's just that we have the freedom to do what we want to here and plenty of people pursue their dream without their parents blessing. His problem is also that he is not a Louisiana resident and most pay out of state tuition. As he is not a graduate of a Louisiana HS, he does not qualify for TOPS. I feel for him and hopes he takes the advice some of the folks here have suggested.
    Thank you for understanding my situation.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    If you do enroll in an ENGR program, you will soon have to learn how to do stuff for yourself. Having everything spoonfed to you is absolutely NOT how it works. Everything you need to know about enrollment, curriculum, course offerings, class schedule etc. is on the school website. You just have to put your big boy britches on and go find it, instead of asking the same questions over and over again to a of bunch of jack legs on a sports message board. So here: if you are not ready to take initiative and WORK, an engineering degree from UL is not for you.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post

    $20,057 / yr
    I can hopefully get 9500 my first year in fed loans, pell grant (if I get it) is $5,730 = 15,320$..... I still would have 5k remaining to pay (why is housing so costly?)

    I was planning on trying for the army ROTC scholarship (where they pay for school but you have to serve 8 years, 4 active & 4 reserve) however the army has a position for petroleum engineers?

    Thank you for understanding my situation.
    Typically freshman from more than 40 miles away from Lafayette have to live on campus. The cost includes a meal plan. However there can be exceptions made and your situation may be one of those. Your age may qualify you to not be bound to this policy. If that is the case, you can try finding a cheap apartment somewhere in town. Also, get a part time job your first couple of years to help with cost.

  6. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Typically freshman from more than 40 miles away from Lafayette have to live on campus. The cost includes a meal plan. However there can be exceptions made and your situation may be one of those. Your age may qualify you to not be bound to this policy. If that is the case, you can try finding a cheap apartment somewhere in town. Also, get a part time job your first couple of years to help with cost.
    Yeah, I read that all freshman at UL have to stay on campus. Is the area around the college safe at night?

    I'm from Chicago where a lot of places are not safe to walk around at night.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    Yeah, I read that all freshman at UL have to stay on campus. Is the area around the college safe at night?

    I'm from Chicago where a lot of places are not safe to walk around at night.
    This ain't's a nice place.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    This ain't's a nice place.
    Chiraq is a combat environment that is for sure.

  9. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Alright guys I applied!

    They said it will take 7-10 business days to get back to me.

  10. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    Alright guys I applied!

    They said it will take 7-10 business days to get back to me.
    CongratULations, I hope it goes well for you.

  11. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    CongratULations, I hope it goes well for you.


  12. #72

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    That was funny......Chicago24....good luck and make the most of it. Lot's of middle easterners here. As well as Asians, Native Americans, Indians, Polynesians, Hispanics, Africans and some Aliens....You'll have plenty of comrades....hope to see you at Cajun Field in the Fall....

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