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Thread: Petroleum Engineering

  1. #49

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    My mom is threatening suicide unfortunately. Every time I try to tell her I want to do petroleum engineering, she is saying it is killing her on the inside and that she is getting chest pain.

    middle eastern problems family
    I understand your (actually it is her problem) BUT I have never heard of anyone turning down their nose at an engineer!

    For what it is worth, in the US, my friends and relatives that are doctors are not recommending this career to anyone, especially their family members. Obamacare and a few other factors weigh heavily in this regard.

    As was posted earlier, you have to follow your heart ... that is why med school was so hard for you!

  2. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    I understand your (actually it is her problem) BUT I have never heard of anyone turning down their nose at an engineer!

    For what it is worth, in the US, my friends and relatives that are doctors are not recommending this career to anyone, especially their family members. Obamacare and a few other factors weigh heavily in this regard.

    As was posted earlier, you have to follow your heart ... that is why med school was so hard for you!
    I'm 19 however I don't know how I will pay for this school.... Will loans be able to pay for me? I am independent and my parents won't give me any aid because I want to do this instead of medicine.

  3. #51

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    I'm 19 however I don't know how I will pay for this school.... Will loans be able to pay for me? I am independent and my parents won't give me any aid because I want to do this instead of medicine.
    Go to the UL website, and look for financial aid; if you don't find anything I'll send you a link. I am sure there are ways to finance without parents money; they will set you up with on campus jobs, etc.

  4. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    Go to the UL website, and look for financial aid; if you don't find anything I'll send you a link. I am sure there are ways to finance without parents money; they will set you up with on campus jobs, etc.
    The problem is that my father makes around 100k (business), mom's a nurse and she said she makes around 80k a year (incl. taxes) so I don't think I will be eligible for the pell grant and I think I can only take out one Stafford loan (which is only around 5k).

    However, my parents already said if I don't go back to school in the UAE for medicine (which I have no interest in) then I will have to leave their house on Sept 1...

  5. #53

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    The problem is that my father makes around 100k (business), mom's a nurse and she said she makes around 80k a year (incl. taxes) so I don't think I will be eligible for the pell grant and I think I can only take out one Stafford loan (which is only around 5k).

    However, my parents already said if I don't go back to school in the UAE for medicine (which I have no interest in) then I will have to leave their house on Sept 1...
    If you go out on your own...a Pell Grant shouldn't be a problem. I forget what all is necessary to get a Pell grant. I didn't get one until I was 25 and off my parents insurance.

  6. #54

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    At some point I think he is just ____ing with you y'all, he keeps asking the same questions.

  7. #55

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    At some point I think he is just ____ing with you y'all, he keeps asking the same questions.
    Unless he starts asking for bank account information so he can smuggle his inheritance into the US...whats the harm?

  8. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    At some point I think he is just ____ing with you y'all, he keeps asking the same questions.
    Honest to God, I'm not ____ing with anyone. I need to know because I'm really interested in the course + have tons of questions about it.

  9. #57

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    What type of grades are necessary? Also I emailed both of them (two weeks ago) & still didn't get a response.
    I do not know the specific grade requirements for each but for scholarships the higher your GPA the better chance you have. Certainly, C average won't cut it and with the competition out there b averages probably won't get anything either. As for their response keep in mind they are in the middle of finals and preparing for graduations right now.

  10. Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Some back story (I really wish I was making this up):

    My parents forced me to go to med school in the UAE (I am middle eastern/arab). I hated everything about it because I didn't want to be a doctor + the rules were so restrictive.

    At that college, we couldn't use any electronic devices and we could only leave the campus once a month + we had classes on Saturdays.

    I wanted to do this course but my parents only want me to be doctors or nothing else. I told my mom that I will take 10 years to finish the course and she said she doesn't care and that I should take how ever much time I wanted.

    My father sent me an email with a list of his rules of staying at the house. In that email, he said I can use the car and he will pay for the payments + insurance until 9/30/14.

    Now, they are not letting me use the car (which I put a down payment on) + was paying for the payments & insurance before I left for the UAE last September. Legally, it is under my father's name ( a foolish mistake).

    I live in rural suburbs (surrounded by forest preserve) where the town you need to drive to and there is no bus service where I am at. I got a couple of summer job offers (planning to work so I could pay for meal plans at UL at least) however they will not let me use the car which I put a down payment for.

    He is saying that I am lazy, always on the computer, + don't even want to go to college. I actually do want to get a job (but he is blocking me) and I do want to go to UL for college.

    I hate middle eastern / arab parents.

  11. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago24 View Post
    Some back story (I really wish I was making this up):

    My parents forced me to go to med school in the UAE (I am middle eastern/arab). I hated everything about it because I didn't want to be a doctor + the rules were so restrictive.

    At that college, we couldn't use any electronic devices and we could only leave the campus once a month + we had classes on Saturdays.

    I wanted to do this course but my parents only want me to be doctors or nothing else. I told my mom that I will take 10 years to finish the course and she said she doesn't care and that I should take how ever much time I wanted.

    My father sent me an email with a list of his rules of staying at the house. In that email, he said I can use the car and he will pay for the payments + insurance until 9/30/14.

    Now, they are not letting me use the car (which I put a down payment on) + was paying for the payments & insurance before I left for the UAE last September. Legally, it is under my father's name ( a foolish mistake).

    I live in rural suburbs (surrounded by forest preserve) where the town you need to drive to and there is no bus service where I am at. I got a couple of summer job offers (planning to work so I could pay for meal plans at UL at least) however they will not let me use the car which I put a down payment for.

    He is saying that I am lazy, always on the computer, + don't even want to go to college. I actually do want to get a job (but he is blocking me) and I do want to go to UL for college.

    I hate middle eastern / arab parents.
    My 2 cents. I have always told my children. You can be anything you want to be, but you have to make it happen. Work hard, stay focused, and just DO IT. Make a decision and stick with it. Go for it. Life is not fair, it's what we decide to do with it that counts. Make it happen. Above all put God first and pray on your decision. Geaux Cajuns, this is God's country.

  12. #60

    Default Re: Petroleum Engineering

    Chicago24 situation is something I sympathize with. He is in a cultural bind. Many folks from that area of the world really care what their parents think. I know a guy who had an issue with his parents in his 30's and he had a PHD. It's not that we don't care what our parents think here, it's just that we have the freedom to do what we want to here and plenty of people pursue their dream without their parents blessing. His problem is also that he is not a Louisiana resident and most pay out of state tuition. As he is not a graduate of a Louisiana HS, he does not qualify for TOPS. I feel for him and hopes he takes the advice some of the folks here have suggested.

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