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Thread: UL Students Need Your Alternative Energy Input

  1. #1

    Default UL Students Need Your Alternative Energy Input

    Got this email and wanted to pass it on.....

    UL Students Need Your Input
    Below is a link to a survey from students at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette enrolled in a public relations campaign management course. This survey's results will be used as an independent study for the class project. The survey inquires about awareness and knowledge of alternative energy, especially solar panel systems. Please take around 3 minutes to fill out the complete survey, as it will aid in reliable results. For your convenience we have placed the survey online and it should not be time consuming.

    Below is the survey link. We would appreciate if you would forward this survey to friends, family, and co-workers. Your answers are confidential. For results or questions, please contact us at


    Thank you in advance for your time,

    UL Public Relations Students

  2. Default Re: UL Students Need Your Input

    I'm in, it was painless.

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #3

    Default Re: UL Students Need Your Input

    Done. I've been saying for years, that with all the flat roofed buildings on campus, we should invest in solar panels and cut our energy bill. Actually, we could sell our excess energy back to LUS, or whoever our provider is, and make a small profit.

  4. #4

    Default Re: UL Students Need Your Input

    I would love to see the results of this survey when they become available.

  5. #5

    Default UL Student Survey

    Got this eMail:


    Below is a link to a survey from students at the University of Louisiana enrolled in a public relations campaign management course. This survey's results will be used as an independent study for the class project. The survey inquires about awareness and knowledge of alternative energy, especially solar panel systems. Please take around 3 minutes to fill out the complete survey, as it will aid in reliable results. For your convenience we have placed the survey online and it should not be time consuming.

    Below is the survey link. We would appreciate if you would forward this survey to friends, family, and co-workers. Your answers are confidential. For results or questions, please contact us at


    Thank you in advance for your time,

    UL Public Relations Students

  6. #6

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL Student Survey

    glad to help, doc.

  7. Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL Students Need Your Input

    Quote Originally Posted by derf View Post
    _ Done. I've been saying for years, that with all the flat roofed buildings on campus, we should invest in solar panels and cut our energy bill. Actually, we could sell our excess energy back to LUS, or whoever our provider is, and make a small profit. _
    Germany passed a law, mandating that something like 30% of the country's energy must come from solar power by like 2020, or around that time. The country embraced it, and can be more than 50% on solar power by the alloted time. Many people have done exactly what you said Derf, invested into their own solar panels, and instead of paying the power company, they get a check from them. This of course helps people who live in places where solar panels are not feasible (ie. apartments) in that their power bill is lower.

    I never though of it, but I agree with you, practically all the roofs on campus are flat. Solar panels would be a great idea. That way maybe we'd be able to leave school open past 12PM on Friday's again!

  8. #8

    Default Re: UL Students Need Your Alternative Energy Input

    Below is the survey link. We would appreciate if you would forward this survey to friends, family, and co-workers. Your answers are confidential. For results or questions, please contact us at


    Thank you in advance for your time,

    UL Public Relations Students _
    As a former MPA student, I feel obligated to comply....the worst/hardest part of these projects is getting a proper population sample.

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