Ragin Pagin...where else can you find 100+ health related posts on a sports fan web site...nice.
Most of our rivals can't get 100 in a month this time of year.
Ragin Pagin...where else can you find 100+ health related posts on a sports fan web site...nice.
Most of our rivals can't get 100 in a month this time of year.
Last edited by ZoomZoom; May 3rd, 2014 at 10:27 pm. Reason: Hoax sux
You can quit but it is far from easy. Your dad was made of some tough stuff. They say it's harder to quit smoking than heroin. I stopped drinking coffee about three years ago. No doctor told me to stop I just lost my taste for the stuff. That was really easy to quit. I can smell someone smoking a block away. It's not an unpleasant smell to me and I start to get the urge.
This is kind of off topic but I never liked the seat belt laws. If I decide not to wear one I'm hurting nobody but myself. It's just another example of the erosion of our personal freedom and privacy.
I strongly dislike motorcyclists. Not personally but their hobby. Mainly because they can die so easily. I don't get the allure but hey if they enjoy it, more power to them. I try to drive past them or stay far back. There are also the suicidal riders weaving in and out of traffic.
There's a difference between social exile and forced exile.
If say a bar wants to practice social exile and ban smoking you'll never hear a peep out of me. In fact I pretty much exclusively go to non smoking bars these days because I've grown to hate smelling like nasty cigarettes even though I don't smoke.
And addiction is way more complicated than simply working on willpower. For every person like your dad there are dozens who could never manage to cut the habit. Lower smoking rates today are more a result of a younger generation never starting than an older generation quitting.
Here is the deal IMO about such laws as helmet laws, seat belt laws for YOU or ME. It is my choice, but since we have a social contract to spend whatever it takes to take care of people making stupid high risk choices they should at least bare the cost of such behavior. A special fee/tax, or proof of insurance seems appropriate as a letter of permission to not take care of YOU or ME would never be accepted.
How far should the high risk fees go? That is pretty easy we can get actuarial stats, http://www.pstat.ucsb.edu/actuary.htm
on the activity and society would decide what level is an acceptable non fee/tax risk and which are not. It then becomes a simple matter of insuring or taxing such behavior and the costs associated with it. Smoke til your lips fall off but do not expect your neighbors to support you, blast your brains out on a Harley sans helmet do not ask me to pay for your 24/7 life support.
I totally support peoples right to live and die doing stupid things, I just do not want to be on the financial hook for their choices.
Sure they diversify...but most make the mistake of diversifying in their own industry. I highly doubt when oil runs out that any of the big energy companies will exist. I didn't see any Exxon stations in The Road Warrior. They are all too busy chasing the hot plays. Once oil goes...they will crumble...as will the world at large. We tend to make the same mistakes we have always made over and over again.
I didn't even come up with those three companies. Direct your rant at Zee.
The tortoise won because he took his time instead of sprinting...rarely in the oil industry do you see anything but companies, especially the big conglomerates, sprinting like their hair is on fire. They could use a little tortoise in them...as could most of America.
If you think ExxonMobil is a scared hare, I'd sure like to be the tortoise that keeps them up at night. The major oil companies, of any companies in the world, are the most secure of all. ExxonMobil isn't chasing jack. They move very slow and deliberate. And when we are actually moving into the realm of depleted hydrocarbons (the real limits, not the contrived ones) you can be very certain the major oil companies and governments around the world will be the first to shift horses... that they alone can saddle.
We aren't anywhere near reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. Even all of the massive byproducts of petroleum, that never get accounted for, are not replaced by any of the ridiculous clean energy dreams. I'm all for research, science and engineering looking for alternative energy sources. I know for a fact our current administration is FOS with their long list of nonsense attempting to subterfuge everything established in order to name new power brokers (a game that they will fail miserably - honest history will absolutely prove).
I'm not comparing you to him. I'm saying that speech police support is a slippery slope. It is another unintended consequence overreach trap that too many ignorant people support building... but are going to scream when they're caught in the net. Identifying that clown as a racist was the only necessity in that soap opera. The NBA may be giving him a good day in court. That will be a shame.
You need to stop looking at what they are doing in the field...and start talking to their suits. I have seen them at NAPE and other conferences...they are always looking for the next big thing...and rarely follow through on big projects. I work for a company that waits for the big boys to grow bored with their projects...then scoops them up at bargain basement prices...and makes good money that they just shut in and forget about to chase the new hot lead.
Everything so far we have come up with to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels...relies on fossil fuels. It's all lip service until someone produces something that works without fossil fuels. I agree...Obama and his boys haven't even got a clue of what to do when it comes to energy. But to be fair...neither have the many before him. It's because they don't set the policy...money does.
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