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Thread: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

  1. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Derfdog View Post
    It's less a public health issue and more of a people being inconsiderate asshats issue. Cigarette butts on the ground and spitting dip on the sidewalks or leaving dip cups/cans everywhere. It's just annoying. When I was a smoker, it was something that I tried to avoid. But I think I was in the minority
    In that case they should make rules that fine you for littering or spitting.

  2. #26

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Derfdog View Post
    It's less a public health issue and more of a people being inconsiderate asshats issue. Cigarette butts on the ground and spitting dip on the sidewalks or leaving dip cups/cans everywhere. It's just annoying. When I was a smoker, it was something that I tried to avoid. But I think I was in the minority
    You're not alone....I can say that not once (ever) have I had a good experience walking through others tobacco spit on sidewalks or having to smell left behind spit cups. That sight of old spit cup (& definitely the smell) is to this day extremely nauseating.

    Smoking is a little long as I don't smell it, smoke away. Cigarette butts are nasty but don't have the same nausea factor the sight & smell of old spit creates. Smoking is a hypocrisy for liberals. Light up a Marlboro at a SF Giants baseball game; the evil stares and anti-smoking comments happen almost immediately. Light up a joint and most of those same people all want to be your friend.

  3. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    My wife's uncle just died from throat and lip if they don't want you to dip...they are doing you a solid.
    I'm sorry for your loss.

    I know they're only trying to help, but we ought to have the freedom to do what we want with our own bodies. The Lafayette Parish Council could do us all a solid and ban alcohol or fatty foods too, which are both just as dangerous as tobacco. But I don't think you would agree with that.

  4. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Sarcasm aside, and I ask this honestly.

    For those who might consider themselves advocates for smokers' rights, where where should a student be allowed to smoke (or dip/chew) on UL's campus?
    Anywhere it doesn't harm others. Either outside buildings away from doorways or in designated indoor smoking areas.

  5. #29

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Anywhere it doesn't harm others. Either outside buildings away from doorways or in designated indoor smoking areas.
    And I wouldn't have a problem with that.

    If they followed the rules.

    Which they tend to not do, especially when its raining or cold.

    Look, I'm no prude. I know tailgaters who invite me to their spots. Many enjoy cigarettes and cigars. And as I am the guest, it's not my place to be offended. I go, I visit, and try to avoid those individuals smoking. But again its not my place to be offended.

    If I go into a bar, I'd expect to encounter cigarette smoke. If I don't want to, I need to find a bar that doesn't allow smoking.

    But I do feel I have the right to be offended when I'm someplace where the overwhelming majority of people are non-smokers and somebody feels the need to light up.

  6. #30

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I'm sorry for your loss.

    I know they're only trying to help, but we ought to have the freedom to do what we want with our own bodies. The Lafayette Parish Council could do us all a solid and ban alcohol or fatty foods too, which are both just as dangerous as tobacco. But I don't think you would agree with that.
    I don't agree with banning anything...most bans are counter productive and illicit the wrong impulse in people. It makes it taboo and much more desirable. See prohibition.

    What is going on here is the banning of smoking and dipping on the campus...and the campus alone. You are still free to do as you please...once you leave the campus. The University can grind any ax they want is their property. If they want to outlaw be it. Just so happens tobacco is still a hot button topic. Would you walk into a church and light up? Would you walk into a building filled to the brim with flammable gasses and light up? Would you walk into a friends house who just lost a loved one to lung cancer...and light up? It's not about's about decorum and common sense. God forbid they ask you to smoke and dip on your own time.

  7. #31

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    That's the problem with people, what's with all this offended crap? I don't know if I ever been "offended" if I do t like something, I move or leave. If somebody blows smoke in my face, I tell them not too. If someone does something I don't like, address, deal with it or leave. Just as much as people feel the right to not be "offended"... Usually the other person has the same right to "offend" you. Just my opinion, but America is becoming a punch of phat ussies...sorry if that offends anyone. For the record I f'n hate smoke. I just don't see where it will stop, eventually everyone will be offended by everything and we will no longer have freedoms.

  8. #32

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Seems extreme to me. But then some people do not want to avoid walking though a haze of smoke. Come on people if you are in YOUR window shut car anywhere I think that air belongs to you. Not enough is getting out to matter.
    I agree. For most of my childhood I had a smoking parent and somehow I have survived.

    I still have this image of Dr. John Moore smoking during his History lectures directly under a No Smoking sign. There were other instructors who immediately reached up for the tar bar right after class. Dr. Doug Abington smoked Pall Mall and Dr. Andrew Hirt (Al's brother) smoked Marlboro. Somehow I survived...

  9. #33

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Like a boss...
    Geez, I thought my grandfather started young when he started smoking at 12. Being the naiive kid I was, a friend's family owned a 7-11 and brought us a pack of candy cigarettes, but inside were a couple of the real thing. When he lit me up I started to blow on it. My friend said, "No stupid, you are supposed to suck on it!"

  10. #34

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by California Cajun View Post
    Geez, I thought my grandfather started young when he started smoking at 12. Being the naiive kid I was, a friend's family owned a 7-11 and brought us a pack of candy cigarettes, but inside were a couple of the real thing. When he lit me up I started to blow on it. My friend said, "No stupid, you are supposed to suck on it!"
    That's what she said...I'll see myself out.

  11. Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by California Cajun View Post
    Geez, I thought my grandfather started young when he started smoking at 12. Being the naiive kid I was, a friend's family owned a 7-11 and brought us a pack of candy cigarettes, but inside were a couple of the real thing. When he lit me up I started to blow on it. My friend said, "No stupid, you are supposed to suck on it!"
    Hah, and somehow you survived.

  12. #36

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    What lafayette needs to do is ban smoking in bars permanently. It's so much nicer going out in Houston to a bar that doesn't have a wall of smoke hit you in the face as you're walking in.

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