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Thread: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

  1. #109

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    So you believe the smokers are better off leaving the campus, grabbing their little child from the sitter, and lighting up in the confines of their car? I know you don't agree with that, but it is an unintended consequence. Our office complex in BR instituted a "No smoking anywhere around our multiple building complex". It was intended to force the remaining smokers that did not succeed (or refused to participate) in the smoking cessation classes we offered. As a result, those remaining smokers would hide behind buildings near our complex, or even walk across busy streets to find a place to smoke. We finally decided to designate a safe outside area for them to smoke. It was safer (and less liable) than having them get run over or raped behind some building on their break.

    I don't like poorly thought out plans that produce unintended consequences. X percent of 18,000 students are going to go to great lengths to find a place to smoke, even if it produces dangers, rather than giving up smoking.
    i understand your gripe...and to my knowledge, or from what ive been told by certain people, there will be a small designated area for smokers. but the intent of this new rule is to remove the smokers from more public areas of campus (side walks, building entrances, benches, etc...) But like i also said previously, i dont have sympathy for smokers. its something they chose to get addicted if rules are to be set that limit them from doing so, i say "oh well."

  2. This is so COOL Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    I have no sympathy for anyone who smokes, but I do worry about this big brother attitude we all have accepted. First the smoker, and before you know it there will be sin taxes on sugar, butter, meat. We already have it for alcohol, and other vices. You simply are missing the big picture.

    Soon and currently the EPA is and will be taxing your carbon use. You will be big brother-ed into poverty. Don't fret that is OK because Big Brother will subsidize your vegetables, and solar cells from all the evil doers, and finally they will subsidize your bicycle from Chevron, Exon/Mobile, and British Petroleum.

    China is loving our abandonment of heavy industry, China cares little for pollution, balancing hiring practices, or class action law suits. No doubt you will probably love poverty in your Utopian world, at least you will only be dying from poverty related issues. And since you value studies so much there are numerous studies that show conclusively that poverty reduces health, and your life length by more than any other vice by a lot.

  3. #111
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunsHat View Post
    i understand your gripe...and to my knowledge, or from what ive been told by certain people, there will be a small designated area for smokers. but the intent of this new rule is to remove the smokers from more public areas of campus (side walks, building entrances, benches, etc...) But like i also said previously, i dont have sympathy for smokers. its something they chose to get addicted if rules are to be set that limit them from doing so, i say "oh well."
    It isn't my "gripe". I don't smoke (except cigars in wide open spaces). I'm glad to hear they've got designated areas. To ignore the unintended consequences of any "rule" is becoming habitual in this country.

  4. #112

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    I have no sympathy for anyone who smokes, but I do worry about this big brother attitude we all have accepted. First the smoker, and before you know it there will be sin taxes on sugar, butter, meat. We already have it for alcohol, and other vices. You simply are missing the big picture.

    Soon and currently the EPA is and will be taxing your carbon use. You will be big brother-ed into poverty. Don't fret that is OK because Big Brother will subsidize your vegetables, and solar cells from all the evil doers, and finally they will subsidize your bicycle from Chevron, Exon/Mobile, and British Petroleum.

    China is loving our abandonment of heavy industry, China cares little for pollution, balancing hiring practices, or class action law suits. No doubt you will probably love poverty in your Utopian world, at least you will only be dying from poverty related issues. And since you value studies so much there are numerous studies that show conclusively that poverty reduces health, and your life length by more than any other vice by a lot.
    I have a lot of sympathy for anyone with a terminal disease. Often it is deserved like smoking like a chimney will kill you. I have an Aunt that smoked two packs a day for 60 years. She will celebrate her 85 birthday soon. She is the exception to the rule about smoking. My wife has an uncle that was a big time alcoholic until his 88th birthday. He swore off the booze and died four years later. Lifestyle choices are big predictors of longevity. No doubt about it. If you smoke you will probably die before you should. However, it's not etched in stone. Also consider the uncle of my wife missed in life. He missed babbling to a nurse and messing in his pants.

    So let me decide how I want to live my life. If smoking gives me joy and I don't impose on anyone else, let me be. Some people enjoy Jet ski, sky diving or driving motorcycles etc.... I think it's stupid and many die doing these things but it has no effect on me. Let them be and enjoy.

  5. #113

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunsHat View Post
    u mad bro?
    Yep, tired of Nannies like you trying to dictate my life, Dr. Bloomberg. BTW, is it Ok if I have a Big Gulp?

  6. #114

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    I certainly agree with the 3rd hand smoke research, as WE in the medical field know that the skin is our largest organ and also the bodies largest portal into the body. Everyone has an acid base barrier that the epidermis uses to aid in trying to prevent viruses and bacteria from entering our bodies, along with other pathogens.
    Then why haven't we succumbed to all the pesticides in the air that our skin is exposed to? Hey, whatever happened to all that "research" that said breast implants would turn women into cripples, cause lupus, death, etc.? Weren't they recently quietly debunked? Hollywood sure seems to be thriving? And what about the studies about artificial sweeteners that basically put one of them out of business? I believe that study was discredited as well.

    Hey, I bet if I rub 400 times your body weight of just about any substance on your skin it's going to cause problems.

  7. #115

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    I have a lot of sympathy for anyone with a terminal disease. Often it is deserved like smoking like a chimney will kill you. I have an Aunt that smoked two packs a day for 60 years. She will celebrate her 85 birthday soon. She is the exception to the rule about smoking. My wife has an uncle that was a big time alcoholic until his 88th birthday. He swore off the booze and died four years later. Lifestyle choices are big predictors of longevity. No doubt about it. If you smoke you will probably die before you should. However, it's not etched in stone. Also consider the uncle of my wife missed in life. He missed babbling to a nurse and messing in his pants.

    So let me decide how I want to live my life. If smoking gives me joy and I don't impose on anyone else, let me be. Some people enjoy Jet ski, sky diving or driving motorcycles etc.... I think it's stupid and many die doing these things but it has no effect on me. Let them be and enjoy.
    Oh ____!!!! I was a paratrooper too!!! Why the ____ am I not dead?!!!

  8. #116

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunsHat View Post
    But like i also said previously, i dont have sympathy for smokers. its something they chose to get addicted if rules are to be set that limit them from doing so, i say "oh well."
    Welcome to America, where we stand up and fight for the freedoms of all mankind.*

    *Unless they annoy us.

  9. #117

    Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    So you believe the smokers are better off leaving the campus, grabbing their little child from the sitter, and lighting up in the confines of their car? I know you don't agree with that, but it is an unintended consequence. Our office complex in BR instituted a "No smoking anywhere around our multiple building complex". It was intended to force the remaining smokers that did not succeed (or refused to participate) in the smoking cessation classes we offered. As a result, those remaining smokers would hide behind buildings near our complex, or even walk across busy streets to find a place to smoke. We finally decided to designate a safe outside area for them to smoke. It was safer (and less liable) than having them get run over or raped behind some building on their break.

    I don't like poorly thought out plans that produce unintended consequences. X percent of 18,000 students are going to go to great lengths to find a place to smoke, even if it produces dangers, rather than giving up smoking.
    It amazes me that as a country we haven't figured out that an addict isn't going to stop using because someone passed a law or rule against it.

  10. Default Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Welcome to America, where we stand up and fight for the freedoms of all mankind.*

    *Unless they annoy us.
    Pussification of America....

    +1 (for the post)

  11. #119

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Then why haven't we succumbed to all the pesticides in the air that our skin is exposed to? Hey, whatever happened to all that "research" that said breast implants would turn women into cripples, cause lupus, death, etc.? Weren't they recently quietly debunked? Hollywood sure seems to be thriving? And what about the studies about artificial sweeteners that basically put one of them out of business? I believe that study was discredited as well.
    Hey, I bet if I rub 400 times your body weight of just about any substance on your skin it's going to cause problems.
    Hey they have NEW Silicone Breast Implants! If the protective covering they are incased in ruptures they no longer run all over in the patients body. The sales reps liken them to "Gummy Bears" in viscosity and feel!!! They just go in pull out the Gummy Bear Implant and put in another one!

    Hammer, I don't want anything 400 times my weight on me, big dawg! Hey the rep did not say how they taste! Further research needed!

  12. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: University of Louisiana prepares smoke- and tobacco-free policy

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    I have a lot of sympathy for anyone with a terminal disease. Often it is deserved like smoking like a chimney will kill you. I have an Aunt that smoked two packs a day for 60 years. She will celebrate her 85 birthday soon. She is the exception to the rule about smoking. My wife has an uncle that was a big time alcoholic until his 88th birthday. He swore off the booze and died four years later. Lifestyle choices are big predictors of longevity. No doubt about it. If you smoke you will probably die before you should. However, it's not etched in stone. Also consider the uncle of my wife missed in life. He missed babbling to a nurse and messing in his pants.

    So let me decide how I want to live my life. If smoking gives me joy and I don't impose on anyone else, let me be. Some people enjoy Jet ski, sky diving or driving motorcycles etc.... I think it's stupid and many die doing these things but it has no effect on me. Let them be and enjoy.
    Sorry bad wording, I do have empathy for those people with smoking related diseases not sympathy for their social exile.

    I am not so sure it is as hard to quit as we are told. My dad had a small growth on his tonsil and quit after forty years. Never picked up another, never got grumpy, never got nervous. Not only did he quit smoking he quit his daily six pack of Schlitz beer, and coffee in the morning all on the same day. He simply made up his mind. I think he was was made of better stuff than most.

    I have seen a whole generation quit. Some with more difficulty than others but quit they did. I do not buy the I cannot quit excuse. They like the tobacco.

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