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Thread: Hulu starts blocking VPN users without notice

  1. Default Hulu starts blocking VPN users without notice

    Hulu has started blocking users who access its movie and TV streaming service through a VPN in an attempt to prevent overseas users from accessing videos, but in the process has also blocked quite a few legitimate users.
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  2. Default Hulu attempts to block international viewers using VPNs

    It's no secret that many use virtual private networks (VPN) to dodge Hulu's ban on TV streaming outside of the US, and the company is now clamping down on these surreptitious international viewers. TorrentFreak reports that Hulu has started blocking anyone trying to access its service from commonly

  3. Default Hulu works to block VPN access, looks to keep international viewers out

    As it stands, access to Hulu is restricted in most countries outside the US for licensing reasons. That hasn’t stopped overseas users from accessing the site through US-based VPN (sneaky, sneaky), but it appears that Hulu has caught on to this workaround. As reported by TorrentFreak, Hulu appears

  4. Default Hulu reportedly blocking VPN services from accessing its content

    Taking a stand against foreign pirates who access its services without permission, Hulu is now blocking anyone attempting to use their website while connected to the web via a VPN, according to a TorrentFreak report. As of writing the blockade hasn’t been announced publicly by the company.


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