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Thread: I Love UsL

  1. #1

    Default I Love Usl

    Controversies on my first post what the heck. Who decided a name like Lafayette was preferable to Southwestern? If wars are won by how much ground you gain USL lost the war. Onefourth of a state sounds much better than a single city. USL rhymes with muscle/hustle/bustle/tussle all good things. Lafayette while it is a fine city does nothing for USL's educational prestige. Much more can be said on this but I am done till I get a good answer.

  2. #2

    Default Re: I Love Usl

    Originally posted by USL fan
    Lafayette while it is a fine city does nothing for USL's educational prestige. Much more can be said on this but I am done till I get a good answer. [/B]
    Lafayette is just as good as any other American city but the name is taken. That is why they focus on UL.

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