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Thread: Baranik Gets Used to Friday Night Starts

  1. Default Baranik Gets Used to Friday Night Starts

    Whether he starts on a Saturday or the night before, Carson Baranik is a considered a Friday-quality starter – a No. 1, in other words – by UL baseball coach Tony Robichaux.

    And after starting the last two Friday nights in place of injured Austin Robichaux, though, Baranik readily acknowledges a discernible difference between the two.

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Re: Baranik Gets Used to Friday Night Starts

    Later in the article it talks about padding the bricks due to the injuries this year. I have long been in favor of padding the wall a The Swamp. I think the Tigue wall and the base line bricks should be padded as well.

    I found this post by ragincajun10 from 2 years ago that I though was interesting and topical.

    Quote Originally Posted by ragincajun10 View Post
    I've seen the artist rendering and it will definitely be well worth the upgrade.

    Basically this is what it will be... they plan on tearing down the grandstand completely, and building a new one with brick and mortar, not metal. The new one will house new suites/pressboxes at the top and be bigger and taller (to match the height of the metal bleachers), it will be backed up all the way to the box office to where when you walk in the stadium, you will have to take an immediate left or right with the concessions being underneath. Then, they will push back the bleachers just a bit and pull them in closer to where they are connected to the new grandstand. They will then build up a brick wall to enclose the entire stadium, bleachers included, so that when you see it from the outside it looks like one big cohesive brick stadium. The only difference will be that the grandstand will have chairbacks and concrete while the 3rd and 1st base lines have the same metal bench back seating.

    They also plan on tearing down the outfield wall and building a new one with padding, similar to what Texas A&M has.. anyone who attended the A&M Regional a few years ago knows what I'm talking about. As well as a brand new scoreboard. And they plan on starting all of this immediately after the season, word is that they are just waiting on all the funding to fall into place before releasing any of this to the public.

    Oh and new locker room/coaches offices under the grandstand I believe.

    I personally think it's going to look outstanding and will be just what we need.

    I'd rather not say who I got this info from but I can promise you this is all legitimate.

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